GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Geometry/surfaceInterpolator.hpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 9 0.0%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors: J. Foulon & J-F. Gerbeau & V. Martin
13 //
18 // System includes
20 // External includes
22 // Project includes
23 #include "Core/felisce.hpp"
24 #include "Solver/linearProblem.hpp"
25 #include "DegreeOfFreedom/dofBoundary.hpp"
26 #include "PETScInterface/petscMatrix.hpp"
27 #include "Geometry/geometricMeshRegion.hpp"
29 namespace felisce
30 {
31 class SurfaceInterpolator {
32 public:
33 typedef GeometricMeshRegion::ElementType ElementType;
35 SurfaceInterpolator()= default;;
36 void initSurfaceInterpolator(LinearProblem* pb, DofBoundary* dofbd) {
37 std::vector<DofBoundary*> tmp(1, dofbd);
38 this->initSurfaceInterpolator(pb,tmp);
39 }
40 void initSurfaceInterpolator(LinearProblem* pb, std::vector<DofBoundary*> dofbd) {
41 m_pb = pb;
42 m_dofBD = dofbd;
43 m_nrows.resize(dofbd.size());
44 m_ncols.resize(dofbd.size());
45 m_mesh = pb->mesh().get();
46 }
47 void writeInterfaceFile(felInt iunknown, felInt numComp, std::string filename, std::string folder, std::size_t iBD=0 ) const;
48 void readInterfaceFile(std::string filename, std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel, std::vector<int>& rowNumbering, std::string folder = FelisceParam::instance().resultDir);
49 void buildInterpolator( PetscMatrix& interpolator,
50 const std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel,
51 const std::vector<int> rowNumbering,
52 const Variable& var, felInt ivar, std::size_t iBD=0);
53 void buildInterpolator( PetscMatrix& interpolator,
54 const std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel,
55 const std::vector<int> rowNumbering,
56 const Variable& var, felInt ivar, std::size_t iBD, const std::vector<int> alternateLabels, std::string logFile);
58 int nrows(std::size_t iBD=0) {return m_nrows[iBD];}
59 int ncols(std::size_t iBD=0) {return m_ncols[iBD];}
61 void initializeSurfaceInterpolator();
63 /**
64 * @param thePoint [in] the point to be projected
65 * @param surfaceLabel [in] the label of the surface where we are looking for the point
66 * @param eltTypeReturn [out] if the point is found into one of the boundary element this is his type
67 * @param elemPointReturn [out] if the point is found into one of the boundary element this are his points
68 * @param projection [out] if the point is found into one of the boundary element this is its projection onto the element plane
69 * @param ielSupportDof [out] ielSupportDof of the element
70 * @param iel2ScoreByEdge [out] if the point is NOT found into one of the boundary element it contains a std::unordered_map from an ielSupportDofByType to the best edge distance, if the point is found on the element this values are incomplete and should not be used
71 * @param distance [in/out] smaller distant from a single point, this value is updated only if it is better than the previous results
72 * @param idElOfClosestPoint [in/out] the id of the el by typt closest point, this value is updated only if it is better than the previous results
73 */
74 int getClosestSurfaceElement(
75 Point* thePoint,
76 felInt surfaceLabel, ElementType& eltTypeReturn,
77 std::vector<Point*>& elemPointReturn,
78 Point& projection, felInt& ielSupportDof,
79 std::map<int,double>& iel2ScoreByEdge,
80 double& distance,
81 int& idElOfClosestPoint
82 );
84 int lookIntoStar(
85 int idClosestPoint,
86 int surfaceLabel,
87 Point* thePoint,
88 ElementType& eltTypeReturn,
89 std::vector<Point*>& elemPointReturn,
90 Point& projection,
91 felInt& ielSupportDof,
92 felInt& depth,
93 double& score,
94 std::map<int,double>& iel2ScoreByEdge
95 );
97 void displayDataForSurfaceInterpolator();
99 ElementType getETandAssert2D(std::set<ElementType> setOfET);
101 inline const bool& surfaceInterpolatorInitialized() const {
102 return m_surfaceInterpolatorInitialized;
103 }
104 inline bool& surfaceInterpolatorInitialized() {
105 return m_surfaceInterpolatorInitialized;
106 }
108 private:
109 void checkInterpolatorStatistics(int foundInTria, int foundInTriaAltLab, int foundInEdge, int foundIntPoint, int pointNotFound, int nPoints ) const;
112 // Is D inside ABC?
113 bool isPointInTriangle(const double *A, const double *B,const double *C, const double *D, double& alpha, double& beta);
114 bool isPointInEdgeAndIfYesHowFar( const double *p0,const double *p1,const double* thePoint,double& distance, double& t);
116 void checkEdge(const double *p0,const double *p1,Point* thePoint,double& bestDistance);
117 bool checkTriangle( const Point& projection, const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, double& alpha, double& beta, Point* thePoint, double& bestEdgeDistance );
118 bool checkQuadrangle( const Point& projection, const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, double& alpha, double& beta, Point* thePoint, double& bestEdgeDistance );
120 void projectOnElementPlane( const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection );
121 void projectOnBestEdge( const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection);
122 void projectOnBestPoint( const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection);
123 void projectOnEdge(const double *p0,const double *p1,const double* thePoint, double& t);
125 double computeScore(double alpha, double beta);
126 void updateBestScore( double alpha, double beta, double& bestScore, double& alphabest, double& betabest);
127 int closestPoint(const std::set< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& setOfPointsAndIds, const Point* thePoint, Point*& closest, double& distance);
130 LinearProblem* m_pb;
131 std::vector<DofBoundary*> m_dofBD;
133 std::vector<int> m_nrows;
134 std::vector<int> m_ncols;
136 GeometricMeshRegion* m_mesh;
138 std::map< /*surfLabel*/ felInt, std::set< std::pair<Point*, /*idPoint*/ felInt> > > m_surfLab2SetOfPointsAndIds;
139 std::map< /*surfLabel*/ felInt, std::map< /*IdPoint*/ felInt, /*star*/std::vector< /*idByType*/ felInt> > > m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star;
141 bool m_surfaceInterpolatorInitialized = false;
142 };
143 }
144 #endif