GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Geometry/surfaceInterpolator.cpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 497 0.0%
Branches: 0 864 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors: J. Foulon & J-F. Gerbeau & V. Martin
13 //
15 // System includes
17 // External includes
19 // Project includes
20 #include "Geometry/surfaceInterpolator.hpp"
21 #include "Geometry/point.hpp"
22 #include "Geometry/geo_utilities.hpp"
23 #include "Tools/math_utilities.hpp"
25 namespace felisce {
26 //default parameter for alternate labels: an empty std::vector.
27 void SurfaceInterpolator::buildInterpolator( PetscMatrix& interpolator,
28 const std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel,
29 const std::vector<int> rowNumbering,
30 const Variable& var, felInt ivar, std::size_t iBD ) {
31 std::vector<int> alternativeLabels;
32 std::string logFile="logFile";
33 this->buildInterpolator( interpolator,
34 pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel,
35 rowNumbering,
36 var,ivar,iBD,
37 alternativeLabels,
38 logFile);
39 }
41 namespace {
42 void printLog(std::ostream& log, int id, Point* thePoint, Point& pointProjection, double distance) {
43 log<<id<<'\t';
44 thePoint->printWithTab(log);
45 log<<'\t';
46 pointProjection.printWithTab(log);
47 log<<'\t'<<distance<<std::endl;
48 }
49 }
51 /*
52 * Let f_1 be a finite-element function defined on the surface on the current domain (1).
53 * f_1(x) = sum_j phi_{1,j}(x) f_{1,j}
54 * where phi_{1,j} are the basis function of the surface.
55 *
56 * We want to pass this information to another domain (2) that share a surface, but has not conforming mesh.
57 *
58 * f_2(x) = sum_i phi_{2,i}(x) f_{2,i}
59 * where f_{2,i} = f_1(x_i), x_i are the points coming from the second domain.
60 * f_{2,i}=f_1(x_i) = sum_j phi_{1,j}(x_i) f_{1,j}.
61 *
62 * From this we get the matrix representation of the relationship between the two finite-element representation.
63 * f_{2,i}= A_{i,j} f_{1,j}
64 * where A_{i,j} = phi_{1,j}(x_i) is the interpolator that we want to build in this function!
65 *
66 * A will be parallel with respect to the column!
67 */
68 void SurfaceInterpolator::buildInterpolator( PetscMatrix& interpolator,
69 const std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel,
70 const std::vector<int> rowNumbering,
71 const Variable& var, felInt ivar, std::size_t iBD,
72 const std::vector<int> alternativeLabels, std::string logFile)
73 {
74 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
75 std::ofstream log;
76 log.open(logFile.c_str());
77 // First we extract the information.
78 // the points in pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel are the x_i.
80 // Warning: if the x_i belongs to more than one label, it does not matter.
81 // in fact, we assume that the edges of the surface are geometrically conforming. Which means that they can have, as 1D manifolds, different finite-element
82 // representation, but they overlap.
84 // Number of points coming from the other mesh.
85 felInt nPoints = pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel.size(); // physical points that can support more than one dofs. Think about std::vector variables.
86 if ( nPoints == 0 )
87 FEL_ERROR("Zero points in surface interpolator.");
88 // Number of dofs of the other mesh, which is also the number of rows
89 m_nrows[iBD] = rowNumbering.size();
90 // We assume that all the points support the same number of dofs
91 FEL_ASSERT( m_nrows[iBD] % nPoints == 0 );
92 // We compute this number
93 felInt nComp = m_nrows[iBD]/nPoints; // 1 if we are passing scalars, 2 or 3 if we are passing vectors
95 // We first save the interpolator in this data structure
96 // We assume that rowNumbering contains all and only the numbers from 0 to m_nrows-1;
97 std::vector< std::vector < std::pair < /*column numbering*/ felInt, /*value*/ double > > > temporaryInterpolator;
98 temporaryInterpolator.resize(m_nrows[iBD]);
100 // eltType will be used in the loop to distinguish between triangles and quadrangles
101 // previousEltType will be used to store the previous value of eltType and check if it has changed
102 // It is initialized to Tetra4 because Tetra4 can not be an element of the boundary, the idea is to std::set this element type to "NULL"
103 ElementType eltType, previousEltType=GeometricMeshRegion::Tetra4;
104 // Vector to store vertex of the current element
105 std::vector< Point*> elemPoint;
106 // Curvilinear finite element on the boundary, to access basis functions
107 CurvilinearFiniteElement* currentFe=nullptr;
108 // Number of degrees of freedom of the current element
109 felInt nDofEle = 0;
110 // Global index of the element
111 felInt ielSupportDof;
112 // Id of the column
113 felInt idColumn;
114 // Auxiliary vectors to temporary store the values of the matrix
115 std::vector<double> values;
116 // projected point
117 Point pointProjection(0.0);
119 int idForLog = 0; //0 inside elem, 1 inside elem alternative lab, 2 edge, 3 point 4 not found
121 const int iMesh = var.idMesh();
123 // For each x_i
124 int pointNotFound(0);
125 int foundInsideAnElement(0), foundInsideAnElementAltLab(0), foundInEdge(0),foundInPoint(0);
126 for ( std::size_t cPoint(0); cPoint< (std::size_t) nPoints; ++cPoint) {
129 std::map<int,double> iel2ScoreByEdge;
130 double pointDistance(1.e20);
131 int idOfElOfClosestPoint,ielSupportDofByType(0);
132 int notFound;
133 Point* thePoint = pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel[cPoint].first;
134 // 1a) check if the projection can be done on a triangle on the given label.
135 // at the same time, best point and best edges are computed for the current label
136 notFound = getClosestSurfaceElement(thePoint, /* [in] the point*/
137 pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel[cPoint].second,/* [in] the surface label where to look for*/
138 eltType, /* [out] type of the element */
139 elemPoint, /* [out] verteces of the element */
140 pointProjection, /* [out] the projection of the given point on the element*/
141 ielSupportDof, /* [out] the id of the element*/
142 iel2ScoreByEdge, /* [out] updated std::unordered_map from ielByType to the best edge score*/
143 pointDistance, /* [out] updated best distance from a point of the mesh*/
144 idOfElOfClosestPoint); /* [out] updated id of the closest point of the mesh*/
145 foundInsideAnElement += (1-notFound);
146 if ( ! notFound ) {
147 idForLog=0;
148 }
149 if ( notFound ) {
150 // 1b) check if the projection can be done on a triangle on the other possible labels.
151 // at the same time, best point and best edges are possibily updated for the current label
152 for ( std::size_t iL(0); iL<alternativeLabels.size() && notFound; ++iL ) {
153 if ( alternativeLabels[iL] != pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel[cPoint].second ) {
154 notFound = getClosestSurfaceElement(thePoint, /* [in] the point*/
155 alternativeLabels[iL],/* [in] the surface label where to look for*/
156 eltType, /* [out] type of the element */
157 elemPoint, /* [out] verteces of the element */
158 pointProjection,/* [out] the projection of the given point on the element*/
159 ielSupportDof,iel2ScoreByEdge,pointDistance,idOfElOfClosestPoint); /* [out] the id of the element*/
160 foundInsideAnElementAltLab+= (1-notFound);
161 if ( ! notFound ) {
162 idForLog=1;
163 }
164 }
165 }
166 // 1c) It was not possible to project it on a triangle, we have to project it either on an edge or on a point
167 if ( notFound ) {
168 // 1d) we look for the best edge
169 double best=100;
170 for ( auto it = iel2ScoreByEdge.begin(); it != iel2ScoreByEdge.end(); ++it ) {
171 if ( it->second < best ) {
172 ielSupportDofByType = it->first;
173 best = it->second;
174 }
175 }
176 // 1e) we check if it is better to project on a point instead
177 if ( best > pointDistance ) {
178 foundInPoint++;
179 ielSupportDofByType = idOfElOfClosestPoint;
180 idForLog=3;
181 } else {
182 foundInEdge++;
183 idForLog=2;
184 }
185 // We hope the eltType of the element is the same on all the alternative labels..todo!!
186 ElementType eltType2 = getETandAssert2D(m_pb->mesh(iMesh)->intRefToEnum().at(pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel[cPoint].second));
187 ielSupportDof=0;//very important
188 m_pb->mesh(iMesh)->getIdElemFromTypeElemAndIdByType(eltType,ielSupportDofByType,ielSupportDof);
189 std::vector<int> elemIdPoint( GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType2] );
190 elemPoint.resize( GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType2] );
192 m_pb->mesh(iMesh)->getOneElement(eltType2, ielSupportDofByType, elemIdPoint, 0);
194 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType2]; iPoint++) {
195 elemPoint[iPoint] = &m_pb->mesh(iMesh)->listPoints()[elemIdPoint[iPoint]];
196 }
198 if ( best > pointDistance ) {//case of the point
199 projectOnBestPoint ( elemPoint,thePoint,pointProjection);
200 } else {//case of the edge
201 projectOnBestEdge ( elemPoint,thePoint,pointProjection);
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 // Final assert!
206 double projectionDistance = thePoint->dist(pointProjection);
207 double epsAssert(0.1);//TODO
208 if ( projectionDistance > epsAssert ) {
209 std::cout<<"=========================The point is quite far from the projection."<<std::endl;
210 idForLog=4;
211 pointNotFound++;
212 }
213 printLog(log, idForLog, thePoint, pointProjection, projectionDistance);
215 if ( eltType != previousEltType ) {
216 if ( currentFe )
217 delete currentFe;
219 // Get standard information for the element
220 int typeOfFiniteElement = var.finiteElementType();
221 const GeoElement* geoEle = GeometricMeshRegion::eltEnumToFelNameGeoEle[eltType].second;
222 const RefElement* refEle = geoEle->defineFiniteEle(eltType,typeOfFiniteElement, *m_pb->mesh(iMesh));
224 // Initialization
225 currentFe = new CurvilinearFiniteElement(*refEle,*geoEle,var.degreeOfExactness());
227 nDofEle= currentFe->numDof();
228 values.resize(nDofEle);
230 // Update of previous type of element
231 previousEltType=eltType;
232 }
235 currentFe->updateMeas(0,elemPoint);
238 currentFe->evaluateBasisFunctionsInPoint(&pointProjection,values);
241 for ( std::size_t iComp(0); iComp < static_cast<std::size_t>(nComp); ++iComp ) {
242 for ( std::size_t iDof(0); iDof < static_cast<std::size_t>(nDofEle); ++iDof ) {
243 // get the global application numbering volume
244 m_pb->dof().loc2glob(ielSupportDof,iDof,ivar,iComp, idColumn);
245 // Tranforming it into globalPetscOrdering volume
246 AOApplicationToPetsc(m_pb->ao(), 1, & idColumn);
247 // Moving to global application ordering bd
248 idColumn = m_dofBD[iBD]->petscVol2ApplicationBD( idColumn );
249 // Saving the values in the temporary interpolator matrix
250 temporaryInterpolator[ rowNumbering[ cPoint*nComp + iComp ] ].push_back( std::make_pair( idColumn, values[iDof] ) );
251 }
252 }
253 }
254 this->checkInterpolatorStatistics(foundInsideAnElement, foundInsideAnElementAltLab, foundInEdge, foundInPoint, pointNotFound, nPoints );
256 // 6) Build the pattern and the data in csr format
257 std::vector<felInt> icsr(m_nrows[iBD]+1);
258 std::vector<felInt> jcsr;
259 std::vector<double> data;
260 icsr[0]=0;
261 for ( felInt iRow(0); iRow< m_nrows[iBD]; ++iRow ) {
262 icsr[iRow+1]=icsr[iRow] + temporaryInterpolator[iRow].size();
263 if ( temporaryInterpolator[iRow].size () > 5 )
264 std::cout<<"iRow: "<<iRow<<" size "<<temporaryInterpolator[iRow].size()<<std::endl;
265 for ( std::size_t j(0); j<temporaryInterpolator[iRow].size(); ++j) {
266 jcsr.push_back(temporaryInterpolator[iRow][j].first);
267 data.push_back(temporaryInterpolator[iRow][j].second);
268 }
269 }
270 // 7) Allocating the matrix
271 std::vector<felInt> nnz( m_nrows[iBD] );
272 for ( std::size_t nRow = 0; nRow < (std::size_t) m_nrows[iBD]; nRow++ ) {
273 nnz[nRow] = icsr[nRow+1]-icsr[nRow];
274 }
275 m_ncols[iBD] = m_dofBD[iBD]->numGlobalDofInterface();
276 interpolator.createSeqAIJ(MPI_COMM_SELF, m_nrows[iBD], m_ncols[iBD], 0, nnz.data());
277 interpolator.setOption(MAT_KEEP_NONZERO_PATTERN, PETSC_TRUE);
278 interpolator.setFromOptions();
279 for ( felInt iRow(0); iRow< m_nrows[iBD]; ++iRow ) {
280 interpolator.setValues(1,&iRow,nnz[iRow],&jcsr[icsr[iRow]],&data[icsr[iRow]],INSERT_VALUES);
281 }
282 interpolator.assembly(MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
283 }//endif
284 }
286 void SurfaceInterpolator::writeInterfaceFile(felInt iunknown, felInt numComp, std::string filename, std::string folder, std::size_t iBD) const
287 {
288 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
289 //All the infos are in dofBD
290 m_dofBD[iBD]->writeSurfaceInterpolatorFile(iunknown,numComp,filename,folder);
291 }
292 }
294 void SurfaceInterpolator::readInterfaceFile( std::string filename, std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel, std::vector<int>& rowNumbering, std::string folder)
295 {
296 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
298 // 0) Make sure we got empty output variable
299 pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel.clear();
300 rowNumbering.clear();
302 // 1) Opening the file
303 std::stringstream fname;
304 fname<<folder<<"/"<<filename;
305 std::ifstream iFile;
306 iFile.open(fname.str().c_str());
307 if ( ! iFile.good() ) {
308 iFile.close();
309 std::cout<<fname.str()<<std::endl;
310 FEL_ERROR("Problem in opening the file");
311 }
312 // 2) Get the number of points in the file
313 felInt nPoints;
314 iFile>>nPoints;
315 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 2 ) {
316 std::cout<<"Found "<<nPoints<<" points in "<<fname.str().c_str()<<std::endl;
317 }
319 // 3) Temporary variable declaration
320 // Number of components
321 felInt nComp;
322 // The pointer to the Point
323 Point* newPoint;
324 // The surface label
325 felInt label;
326 // The if of the dof
327 felInt id;
329 // 4) Reading
330 for ( int curPoint(0); curPoint<nPoints; ++curPoint) {
331 // get the number of components
332 iFile>>nComp;
334 // get the point
335 newPoint = new Point;
336 iFile>>newPoint->x();
337 iFile>>newPoint->y();
338 iFile>>newPoint->z();
340 // get the label
341 iFile>>label;
343 // verify label correctness, TODO improve this check
344 // especially in case 1 label is mapped into more labels or viceversa.
345 if ( FelisceParam::instance().withCVG ) {
346 int otherLabel=label;
347 FEL_ASSERT( FelisceParam::instance().interfaceLabels.size() == FelisceParam::instance().correspondingInterfaceLabels.size() );
348 for ( std::size_t k(0); k<FelisceParam::instance().interfaceLabels.size(); ++k) {
349 if ( FelisceParam::instance().correspondingInterfaceLabels[k] == otherLabel ) {
350 label = FelisceParam::instance().interfaceLabels[k];
351 }
352 }
353 }
354 // save point and label in data structure
355 pointsAndCorrespondingSurfLabel.emplace_back(newPoint,label);
357 // get the id and save them
358 for ( int iComp(0); iComp<nComp; ++iComp) {
359 iFile>>id;
360 rowNumbering.push_back(id);
361 }
362 }
363 }
364 }
366 void SurfaceInterpolator::checkInterpolatorStatistics(int foundInsideAnElement, int foundInsideAnElementAltLab, int foundInEdge, int foundInPoint, int pointNotFound, int nPoints ) const
367 {
368 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 1 ) {
369 std::stringstream msg;
370 double percentageInsideElement = (double) foundInsideAnElement / (double) nPoints;
371 double percentageInsideElementAltLab = (double) foundInsideAnElementAltLab / (double) nPoints;
372 double percentageEdge = (double) foundInEdge / (double) nPoints;
373 double percentagePoint= (double) foundInPoint / (double) nPoints;
375 int prec = 2;
376 int oldPrec=std::cout.precision();
377 if ( percentageInsideElement*100 < 0.01 )
378 prec = 4;
379 else if (percentageInsideElement*100 > 1 )
380 prec=oldPrec;
381 std::cout<<"Points projected on an element: "<<foundInsideAnElement<<"/"
382 <<nPoints<<", percentage="
383 <<std::setprecision(prec) <<percentageInsideElement*100
384 <<std::setprecision(oldPrec) <<"%"<<std::endl;
385 if ( percentageInsideElement*100 < 0.01 )
386 prec = 4;
387 else if (percentageInsideElement*100 > 1 )
388 prec=oldPrec;
389 std::cout<<"Points projected on an element on a different label than the one specified: "<<foundInsideAnElementAltLab<<"/"
390 <<nPoints<<", percentage="
391 <<std::setprecision(prec) <<percentageInsideElementAltLab*100
392 <<std::setprecision(oldPrec) <<"%"<<std::endl;
394 if ( percentageEdge*100 < 0.01 )
395 prec = 4;
396 std::cout<<"Points projected on an edge: "<<foundInEdge<<"/"
397 <<nPoints<<", percentage="
398 <<std::setprecision(prec) <<percentageEdge*100
399 <<std::setprecision(oldPrec) <<"%"<<std::endl;
400 if ( percentagePoint*100 < 0.01 )
401 prec = 4;
402 std::cout<<"Points projected on the closest point: "<<foundInPoint<<"/"
403 <<nPoints<<", percentage="
404 <<std::setprecision(prec) <<percentagePoint*100
405 <<std::setprecision(oldPrec) <<"%"<<std::endl;
406 }
407 if ( pointNotFound > 0 ) {
408 std::stringstream msg;
409 double percentage = (double) pointNotFound/ (double) nPoints;
410 int prec = 2;
411 int oldPrec=std::cout.precision();
412 if ( percentage*100 < 0.01 )
413 prec = 4;
414 msg<<"For "<<pointNotFound<<" point(s) the algorithm (total nb of points="
415 <<nPoints<<", percentage="
416 <<std::setprecision(prec) <<percentage*100
417 <<std::setprecision(oldPrec) <<"%), with threshold "
418 <<FelisceParam::instance().interpolatorThreshold<<", was not able to find an element containing the point projection."<<std::endl;
419 FEL_ERROR(msg.str().c_str());
420 }
421 }
423 void SurfaceInterpolator::initializeSurfaceInterpolator()
424 {
425 std::vector<Point*> elemPoint;
426 std::vector<felInt> elemIdPoint;
427 // Counter, necessary to compute the id of element by type;
428 felInt numElementPerEltType;
430 // For each type of element present on the boundary: i.e. triangles, quadrangles
431 for (std::size_t cElemType = 0; cElemType < m_mesh->bagElementTypeDomainBoundary().size(); ++cElemType) {
432 ElementType eltType = m_mesh->bagElementTypeDomainBoundary()[cElemType];
433 elemPoint.resize(GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]);
434 elemIdPoint.resize(GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]);
435 numElementPerEltType=0;
436 // We loop over the associated labels
437 for (auto itLabelMesh = m_mesh->intRefToBegEndMaps[eltType].begin(); itLabelMesh != m_mesh->intRefToBegEndMaps[eltType].end(); itLabelMesh++) {
438 // We get the label
439 felInt cLabel = itLabelMesh->first;
440 // We get the number of elements present on this label
441 felInt numElemsPerLabel = itLabelMesh->second.second;
442 // For each of this element...
443 for ( felInt iel = 0; iel < numElemsPerLabel; iel++) {
444 // Even in the case of P2, I just need the verteces of the element.
445 // The reason is that I need them to find the element in the future!
446 // Than of course, the interpolation will depend on the type of finite-element
447 // used.
448 m_mesh->getOneElement(eltType, numElementPerEltType+iel, elemIdPoint, 0);
449 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]; iPoint++) {
450 elemPoint[iPoint]= &m_mesh->listPoints()[elemIdPoint[iPoint]];
451 // For each point we save the index of the elements of the part of the star
452 // on this label.
453 m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star[cLabel][elemIdPoint[iPoint]].push_back(numElementPerEltType+iel); // this is an index local to this proc, pay attention when going parallel
454 m_surfLab2SetOfPointsAndIds[cLabel].insert(std::make_pair(elemPoint[iPoint],elemIdPoint[iPoint]));
455 }
456 }
457 numElementPerEltType+=numElemsPerLabel;
458 }
459 }
460 m_surfaceInterpolatorInitialized = true;
461 }
463 int SurfaceInterpolator::getClosestSurfaceElement(
464 Point* thePoint,
465 felInt surfaceLabel,
466 ElementType& eltTypeReturn,
467 std::vector<Point*>& elemPointReturn,
468 Point& projection,
469 felInt& ielSupportDof,
470 std::map<int,double>& iel2ScoreByEdge,
471 double& distance,
472 int& idElOfClosestPoint
473 )
474 {
475 if ( ! m_surfaceInterpolatorInitialized ) {
476 FEL_ERROR("You have to call initializeSurfaceInterpolator");
477 }
478 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 2 ) {
479 std::cout<<"Point to be projected: "; thePoint->print(10);
480 }
482 // We extract the std::set of points and the corresponding ids for this label
483 auto setOfPointsAndIds = m_surfLab2SetOfPointsAndIds.at(surfaceLabel);
485 // We start looking for the closest point
486 Point* closest;
487 double curDist;
488 felInt curIdClosestPoint = closestPoint( setOfPointsAndIds, thePoint, closest, curDist );
489 if ( curDist < distance ) {
490 distance = curDist;
491 std::vector<felInt> star = m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star.at(surfaceLabel).at(curIdClosestPoint);
492 idElOfClosestPoint = star[0];
493 }
494 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 2 ) {
495 std::cout<<"The closest point on label "<<surfaceLabel<<" is: "; closest->print(10);
496 }
497 int depth(0);
498 double score;
499 return lookIntoStar(curIdClosestPoint, surfaceLabel, thePoint, eltTypeReturn, elemPointReturn, projection, ielSupportDof, depth, score,iel2ScoreByEdge);
500 }
502 int SurfaceInterpolator::lookIntoStar(
503 int idClosestPoint,
504 int surfaceLabel,
505 Point* thePoint,
506 ElementType & eltTypeReturn,
507 std::vector<Point*>& elemPointReturn,
508 Point& projection, felInt& ielSupportDof,
509 felInt& depth,
510 double& minScore,
511 std::map<int,double>& iel2distFromEdge
512 )
513 {
514 // We start looking for the closest element
515 felInt idClosestElement=-1;
516 // Points of the element
517 std::vector<Point*> elemPoint;
518 // ..and corresponding ids.
519 std::vector<felInt> elemIdPoint;
521 // We assume that the closest element is in the star of this point
522 // We extract the star
523 std::vector<felInt> star = m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star.at(surfaceLabel).at(idClosestPoint);
524 // We loop over its element, until we find the closest one
525 const std::size_t star_size = star.size();
526 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 2 ) {
527 std::cout<<"Size of the star: "<<star_size<<std::endl;
528 }
529 std::vector<double> alpha(star_size);
530 std::vector<double> beta(star_size);
531 for( std::size_t k(0); k<star_size && idClosestElement<0; ++k) {
532 // ==================EXTRACTING ELEMENT INFORMATION==================== //
533 // We get the type of element
534 ElementType eltType=getETandAssert2D(m_mesh->intRefToEnum().at(surfaceLabel));
535 // ..and we resize this two vectors accoringly
536 elemPoint.resize(GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]);
537 elemIdPoint.resize(GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]);
538 // We extract the element and its points
539 m_mesh->getOneElement(eltType, star[k], elemIdPoint, 0);
540 // We assume that we have only triangles or quadrangles
541 FEL_ASSERT(elemIdPoint.size()>=3 && elemIdPoint.size()<=4);
543 // We get the pointers of the points trough their ids
544 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]; iPoint++) {
545 elemPoint[iPoint] = &m_mesh->listPoints()[elemIdPoint[iPoint]];
546 }
548 // ==================PLANE PROJETION=================================== //
549 projectOnElementPlane(elemPoint,thePoint,projection);
550 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 ) {
551 std::cout<<" its idByType: "<<star[k]<<std::endl;
552 std::cout<<" its position in the star: "<<k<<std::endl;
553 std::cout<<" its points: "<<std::endl;
554 for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]; iPoint++) {
555 elemPoint[iPoint]->print(10);
556 }
557 std::cout<<"TheProjection ";
558 projection.print(10);
559 }
562 bool pointInElement=false;
563 if ( elemPoint.size() == 3 ) {
564 double edgeDist=1e20;
565 pointInElement = checkTriangle(projection,elemPoint,alpha[k],beta[k],thePoint,edgeDist);
566 // saving bestEdge information
567 iel2distFromEdge[star[k]]=edgeDist;
568 } else if ( elemPoint.size() == 4 ) {
569 double edgeDist=1.e20;
570 pointInElement = checkQuadrangle(projection,elemPoint,alpha[k],beta[k],thePoint,edgeDist);
571 // saving bestEdge information
572 iel2distFromEdge[star[k]]=edgeDist;
573 }
574 // We check if the projection is inside or outside the element.
575 if ( pointInElement ) {
576 // The correct element has been found
577 idClosestElement = star[k];
578 ielSupportDof=0;
579 m_mesh->getIdElemFromTypeElemAndIdByType(eltType,idClosestElement,ielSupportDof);
580 eltTypeReturn = eltType;
581 elemPointReturn = elemPoint;
582 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 2 ) {
583 std::cout<<" its idByType: "<<idClosestElement<<std::endl;
584 std::cout<<" its position in the star: "<<k<<std::endl;
585 std::cout<<" its points: "<<std::endl;
586 for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]; iPoint++) {
587 elemPoint[iPoint]->print(10);
588 }
589 std::cout<<"TheProjection "; projection.print(10);
590 }
591 }
592 }
593 // If found it so simply we just skip all this part and return 0 (success);
594 // If we have not found it
595 if (idClosestElement<0) {
596 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 ) {
597 std::cout<<"Point: ";
598 thePoint->print(10);
599 }
600 // We compute the score of each element in the star!
601 minScore=1e20;
602 for ( std::size_t k(0); k<star.size(); ++k ) {
603 double score=computeScore(alpha[k],beta[k]);
604 if ( score < minScore) {
605 minScore = score;
606 idClosestElement = star[k];
607 }
608 }
609 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 )
610 std::cout<<"SPECIAL CASE OF GET CLOSEST SURFACE ELEMENT: Score of current star: "<<minScore<<std::endl;
612 // For now this element is our best!
613 // We extract the return parameters
614 ElementType eltType=getETandAssert2D(m_mesh->intRefToEnum().at(surfaceLabel));
615 eltTypeReturn = eltType;
616 ielSupportDof=0;
617 m_mesh->getIdElemFromTypeElemAndIdByType(eltType,idClosestElement,ielSupportDof);
618 m_mesh->getOneElement(eltType, idClosestElement, elemIdPoint, 0);
620 elemPointReturn.resize( GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType] );
621 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < GeometricMeshRegion::m_numPointsPerElt[eltType]; iPoint++) {
622 elemPointReturn[iPoint] = &m_mesh->listPoints()[elemIdPoint[iPoint]];
623 }
625 // We also look into the adjacent stars.
626 if ( depth >= FelisceParam::instance().maxDepth ) {
627 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 )
628 std::cout<<"Max depth reached, iterations concluded"<<std::endl;
629 } else {
630 depth++;
631 int result;
632 double score=100;
633 ElementType eltTypeReturnTmp;
634 std::vector<Point*> elemPointReturnTmp;
635 Point projectionTmp(0.0);
636 felInt ielSupportDofTmp;
637 // I look in the other stars close to this element.
638 for ( std::size_t k(0); k<elemIdPoint.size(); ++k) {
639 // I skip the current star.
640 if ( elemIdPoint[k] != idClosestPoint ) {
641 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 )
642 std::cout<<"Descending into the star of point number "<<k<<std::endl;
643 result = this->lookIntoStar(/*where to look*/elemIdPoint[k], surfaceLabel, thePoint, eltTypeReturnTmp, elemPointReturnTmp, projectionTmp, ielSupportDofTmp, depth , score, iel2distFromEdge );
644 // We found it in this star!
645 if ( result == 0 ) {
646 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 )
647 std::cout<<"found it in the current star!"<<std::endl;
648 // We do not go any further! we update the parameters and return success.
649 eltTypeReturn = eltTypeReturnTmp;
650 elemPointReturn = elemPointReturnTmp;
651 projection = projectionTmp;
652 ielSupportDof = ielSupportDofTmp;
653 return 0;//success
654 } else {
655 // We have not found it, but maybe we found something slightly better
657 // is this better than what we have?
658 // if not we ignore it
659 if ( score < minScore ) {
660 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 3 )
661 std::cout<<"Not found, but score improved!"<<std::endl;
662 minScore = score;
663 //update current best
664 eltTypeReturn = eltTypeReturnTmp;
665 elemPointReturn = elemPointReturnTmp;
666 projection = projectionTmp;
667 ielSupportDof = ielSupportDofTmp;
668 }
669 }
670 }
671 }
672 }
673 return 1; // not found
674 } else {
675 //standard result
676 return 0; // found
677 }
678 }
680 void SurfaceInterpolator::displayDataForSurfaceInterpolator()
681 {
682 int rank;
683 int numproc;
684 MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
685 MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &numproc);
687 for ( int cProc(0); cProc<numproc; ++cProc ) {
688 if( rank == cProc ) {
689 std::cout << "---------- Proc numero: " << rank << std::endl;
690 for (auto i = m_surfLab2SetOfPointsAndIds.begin(); i != m_surfLab2SetOfPointsAndIds.end(); ++i) {
691 std::cout << "----- " << "Label: " << i->first << std::endl;
692 for (auto j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
693 std::cout << "P: "; j->first->print(10);
694 std::cout << "--> Number of Elements in the star: " << m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star[i->first][j->second].size() << std::endl;
695 std::cout << "----> Elements ids: ";
696 for(std::size_t k = 0; k < m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star[i->first][j->second].size(); ++k)
697 std::cout << m_surfLabelAndIdPoint2Star[i->first][j->second][k] << " ";
698 std::cout << std::endl;
699 }
700 }
701 }
702 MPI_Barrier(MpiInfo::petscComm());
703 }
704 }
706 GeometricMeshRegion::ElementType SurfaceInterpolator::getETandAssert2D(std::set<ElementType> setOfET){
707 int nTypeElPerLab(0);
708 ElementType eltType = static_cast<ElementType>(0);
709 for ( std::set<ElementType>::iterator et=setOfET.begin();
710 et!=setOfET.end();
711 ++et ) {
712 int first3DElement = 12; //TODO!
713 int first2DElement = 4; //TODO!
714 ElementType eltType2 = *et;
715 if( (int) eltType2 < first3DElement && (int)eltType2 >= first2DElement ) {
716 nTypeElPerLab++;
717 eltType=*et;
718 }
719 }
720 // We assume that each label can have only one type of element.
721 FEL_ASSERT(nTypeElPerLab==1);
722 FEL_ASSERT(eltType!=0);
723 return eltType;
724 }
731 bool SurfaceInterpolator::isPointInTriangle(const double* A,const double* B,const double* C,const double* D, double& alpha, double& beta)
732 {
734 double V1[3],V2[3],H[3];
736 V1[0]=B[0]-A[0];
737 V1[1]=B[1]-A[1];
738 V1[2]=B[2]-A[2];
740 V2[0]=C[0]-A[0];
741 V2[1]=C[1]-A[1];
742 V2[2]=C[2]-A[2];
744 H[0]=D[0]-A[0];
745 H[1]=D[1]-A[1];
746 H[2]=D[2]-A[2];
748 double det,det1,det2;
749 det = V1[0]*V2[1] - V2[0]*V1[1];
750 det1 = V1[0]*V2[2] - V2[0]*V1[2];
751 det2 = V1[1]*V2[2] - V2[1]*V1[2];
752 double fdet,fdet1,fdet2;
753 fdet=std::fabs(det);
754 fdet1=std::fabs(det1);
755 fdet2=std::fabs(det2);
757 alpha = -1;
758 beta = -1;
759 if ( fdet> fdet1 && fdet > fdet2 ) {
760 alpha=(V2[1]*H[0] - V2[0]*H[1])/det;
761 beta =(V1[0]*H[1] - V1[1]*H[0])/det;
762 } else if ( fdet1> fdet && fdet1 > fdet2 ){
763 alpha=(V2[2]*H[0] - V2[0]*H[2])/det1;
764 beta =(V1[0]*H[2] - V1[2]*H[0])/det1;
765 } else if ( fdet2> fdet && fdet2 > fdet1 ){
766 alpha=(V2[2]*H[1] - V2[1]*H[2])/det2;
767 beta =(V1[1]*H[2] - V1[2]*H[1])/det2;
768 }
769 double eps = FelisceParam::instance().interpolatorThreshold;
770 return alpha>=-eps && beta >= -eps && alpha+beta<=1+eps;
771 }
773 void SurfaceInterpolator::checkEdge(const double *p0,const double *p1,Point* thePoint,double& bestDistance)
774 {
775 double distance,t;
776 bool inside = isPointInEdgeAndIfYesHowFar( p0, p1, thePoint->coor(), distance, t);
777 if ( inside && distance < bestDistance ) {
778 bestDistance = distance;
779 }
780 }
782 bool SurfaceInterpolator::checkTriangle( const Point& projection, const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, double& alpha, double& beta, Point* thePoint, double& bestEdgeDistance )
783 {
784 // Check if it is in the triangle
785 bool pointInElement(false);
786 pointInElement = isPointInTriangle(elemPoint[0]->coor(),elemPoint[1]->coor(),elemPoint[2]->coor(),projection.coor(),alpha,beta);
787 if ( pointInElement ){
788 return pointInElement; //no need to check the edges;
789 }
790 checkEdge(elemPoint[0]->coor(),elemPoint[1]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
791 checkEdge(elemPoint[1]->coor(),elemPoint[2]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
792 checkEdge(elemPoint[2]->coor(),elemPoint[0]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
793 return pointInElement;
794 }
796 bool SurfaceInterpolator::checkQuadrangle( const Point& projection, const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, double& alpha, double& beta, Point* thePoint, double& bestEdgeDistance )
797 {
798 bool pointInElement(false);
799 double alphaTmp,betaTmp, bestScore;
800 bestScore=1e20;
801 pointInElement = isPointInTriangle(elemPoint[0]->coor(),elemPoint[1]->coor(),elemPoint[2]->coor(),projection.coor(),alphaTmp,betaTmp);
802 updateBestScore(alphaTmp,betaTmp,bestScore,alpha,beta);
803 pointInElement = isPointInTriangle(elemPoint[1]->coor(),elemPoint[2]->coor(),elemPoint[3]->coor(),projection.coor(),alphaTmp,betaTmp) || pointInElement;
804 updateBestScore(alphaTmp,betaTmp,bestScore,alpha,beta);
805 pointInElement = isPointInTriangle(elemPoint[2]->coor(),elemPoint[3]->coor(),elemPoint[0]->coor(),projection.coor(),alphaTmp,betaTmp) || pointInElement;
806 updateBestScore(alphaTmp,betaTmp,bestScore,alpha,beta);
807 pointInElement = isPointInTriangle(elemPoint[3]->coor(),elemPoint[0]->coor(),elemPoint[1]->coor(),projection.coor(),alphaTmp,betaTmp) || pointInElement;
808 updateBestScore(alphaTmp,betaTmp,bestScore,alpha,beta);
809 if ( pointInElement ){
810 return pointInElement; //no need to check the edges;
811 }
812 checkEdge(elemPoint[0]->coor(),elemPoint[1]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
813 checkEdge(elemPoint[1]->coor(),elemPoint[2]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
814 checkEdge(elemPoint[2]->coor(),elemPoint[3]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
815 checkEdge(elemPoint[3]->coor(),elemPoint[0]->coor(),thePoint,bestEdgeDistance);
816 return pointInElement;
817 }
819 bool SurfaceInterpolator::isPointInEdgeAndIfYesHowFar( const double *p0,const double *p1,const double* thePoint,double& distance, double&t)
820 {
821 projectOnEdge(p0,p1,thePoint,t);
822 double eps = FelisceParam::instance().interpolatorThreshold;
823 if ( t < 1 + eps && t > -eps ) {
824 double dist(0);
825 for ( int i(0); i<3; ++i ) {
826 dist += ((1-t)*p0[i] +t*p1[i]-thePoint[i])*((1-t)*p0[i] +t*p1[i]-thePoint[i]);
827 }
828 distance = std::sqrt(dist);
829 return true;
830 } else {
831 distance = 1.e10;
832 return false;
833 }
834 }
836 // elemPoint [in] points defining the plane, only the first three are used
837 // thePoint [in] the point to be projected
838 // projection [out] the projection of this point on the plane
839 void SurfaceInterpolator::projectOnElementPlane( const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection )
840 {
841 Point normal; // Normal to the element plane
842 MathUtilities::CrossProduct(normal.getCoor(), (*elemPoint[0] - *elemPoint[1]).getCoor(), (*elemPoint[0] - *elemPoint[2]).getCoor());
844 double nnorm = normal.norm();
845 for( int coor(0); coor<3; coor++) {
846 normal.coor(coor)/=nnorm;
847 }
848 // We compute the intercept of the plane containing the element
849 double intercept = (*elemPoint[0]) * normal;
851 // P_proj = P + s*normal
852 // We compute s, by imposing that P_proj is on the plane.
853 double s = intercept - (*thePoint) * normal;
854 projection = s * normal + (*thePoint);
855 }
857 void SurfaceInterpolator::projectOnEdge(const double *p0,const double *p1,const double* thePoint, double& t)
858 {
859 double denom(0);
860 double num(0);
861 for ( int i(0); i<3; ++i ) {
862 num += - p0[i]*p1[i]-thePoint[i]*p0[i]+thePoint[i]*p1[i] + p0[i]*p0[i];
863 denom += -2*p0[i]*p1[i] +p1[i]*p1[i] + p0[i]*p0[i];
864 }
865 t = num/denom;
866 }
868 void SurfaceInterpolator::projectOnBestEdge(const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection)
869 {
870 double bestDist(1e20),bestT(0.0),bestEdgeA(0.0),bestEdgeB(0.0);
871 double d,t;
872 for (std::size_t iPoint(0); iPoint < elemPoint.size(); iPoint++) {
873 // We assume that the point describing the element are in an order such that
874 // the edges are described by consecutive points
875 isPointInEdgeAndIfYesHowFar(elemPoint[iPoint]->coor(),elemPoint[( iPoint + 1 ) % elemPoint.size() ]->coor(),thePoint->coor(), d,t);
876 if ( d < bestDist ) {
877 bestDist = d;
878 bestT = t;
879 bestEdgeA = iPoint;
880 bestEdgeB = (iPoint+1)%elemPoint.size();
881 }
882 }
883 for( int coor(0); coor<3; coor++) {
884 projection.coor()[coor] = (1-bestT)*elemPoint[bestEdgeA]->coor()[coor]+bestT*elemPoint[bestEdgeB]->coor()[coor];
885 }
886 }
888 void SurfaceInterpolator::projectOnBestPoint(const std::vector<Point*>& elemPoint, Point* thePoint, Point& projection)
889 {
890 double best=1e20;
891 for (std::size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < elemPoint.size(); iPoint++) {
892 double dist = elemPoint[iPoint]->dist( *thePoint);
893 if ( dist<best ) {
894 best=dist;
895 projection=*elemPoint[iPoint];
896 }
897 }
898 }
900 double SurfaceInterpolator::computeScore(double alpha, double beta)
901 {
902 double score(0);
903 if ( alpha < 0 ) score += -alpha;
904 if ( alpha > 1 ) score += alpha-1;
905 if ( beta < 0 ) score += -beta;
906 if ( beta > 1 ) score += beta-1;
907 if ( alpha+beta < 0 ) score += -(alpha+beta);
908 if ( alpha+beta > 1 ) score += alpha+beta-1;
909 return score;
910 }
912 void SurfaceInterpolator::updateBestScore( double alpha, double beta, double& bestScore, double& alphabest, double& betabest)
913 {
914 double score = computeScore(alpha,beta);
915 if( score < bestScore ) {
916 bestScore = score;
917 alphabest = alpha;
918 betabest = beta;
919 }
920 }
922 int SurfaceInterpolator::closestPoint(const std::set< std::pair< Point*, felInt > >& setOfPointsAndIds, const Point* thePoint, Point*& closest, double& distance)
923 {
924 // We start looking for the closest point
925 felInt idClosestPoint=-1;
926 double dist(0), distMin=1.e30;
927 // We compute the distance between each point and our point
928 for(auto cPoint=setOfPointsAndIds.begin();
929 cPoint!=setOfPointsAndIds.end(); ++cPoint ) {
930 // Distance
931 dist = 0;
932 for( int coor(0); coor<3; coor++) {
933 dist += std::pow((thePoint->coor(coor)-cPoint->first->coor(coor)),2);
934 }
935 // Check if it is closer than the previous best
936 if ( dist < distMin ) {
937 distMin=dist;
938 idClosestPoint=cPoint->second;
939 closest = cPoint->first;
940 }
941 }
942 distance = std::sqrt(distMin);
943 return idClosestPoint;
944 }
946 }