GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Model/stokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel.cpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 220 0.0%
Branches: 0 434 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors:
13 //
15 // System includes
17 // External includes
19 // Project includes
20 #include "Model/stokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel.hpp"
21 #include "InputOutput/io.hpp"
23 namespace felisce {
24 // ======================================================================
25 // the public methods
26 // ======================================================================
28 // constructor: it first call constructor of mother class
29 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel():LinearElasticityModel(),m_timeChecker(nullptr) {
30 // change the name of the model
31 m_name="Linear Elasticity coupled with Stokes equations";
32 // fixing the id of the stokes problem
33 // this should be done automatically based on
34 // the names of the linearProblems or on
35 // same check on the type.
36 m_idLE=0;
37 m_idStokes=1;
38 m_interfaceLabels=FelisceParam::instance().fsiInterfaceLabel;
39 }
42 // this function override LinearElasticityModel::initializeDerivedModel()
43 // it is then call in initializeModel in the Model class
44 void
45 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::initializeDerivedModel() {
46 // first a call to the ovverriden method to initialize the mother class
47 LinearElasticityModel::initializeDerivedModel();
49 // Two static casts to initialize the pointers
50 // they are usufull to call functions defined in derived linear problems,
51 // but not declared in linearProblem class.
52 m_lpbLE = static_cast<LinearProblemLinearElasticity*> ( m_linearProblem[ m_idLE ]);
53 m_lpbStokes = static_cast<LinearProblemNSRS*> ( m_linearProblem[ m_idStokes ] );
55 // Setting a flag in LE linProb to true to switch several functionalities on
56 m_lpbLE->coupled(true);
57 m_lpbLE->initPetscVecsForCoupling();
58 // The dofBoundary object of each linear problem is initialized.
59 m_lpbLE ->initializeDofBoundaryAndBD2VolMaps();
60 m_lpbStokes ->initializeDofBoundaryAndBD2VolMaps();
61 // We build the std::unordered_map the store the correspondence labels of the two meshes
62 // it needs to be called after the buildListOfBoundaryPetscDofs
63 this->defineMapLabelInterface();
65 // interface labels are printed on the video to check everything is all right
66 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 1 ) {
67 std::stringstream labelsStokes, labelsLE;
68 labelsStokes <<"Interface labels of the Stokes mesh : ";
69 labelsLE <<"Interface labels of the Linear Elasticity mesh : ";
70 for(auto it(m_labStokes2LE.begin()); it != m_labStokes2LE.end(); ++it ) {
71 labelsStokes << it->first << '\t';
72 labelsLE << it->second << '\t';
73 }
74 labelsStokes << std::endl;
75 labelsLE << std::endl;
77 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"%s", labelsLE.str().c_str());
78 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"%s", labelsStokes.str().c_str());
79 }
80 }
82 // Function to initialize the std::unordered_map m_labStokes2LE
83 // In this model we make the assumption that this std::unordered_map is the identity, however be build it because of compatibility reason.
84 //
85 // The side effect of this function, and the real reason why so many lines are needed for this, is to check that the different mapping were correctly built in the previous function
86 // the name of the function could be something like initMapLabelInterfaceAndCheckEverything
87 void
88 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::defineMapLabelInterface() {
89 //saving the std::unordered_map that associates the first point (in the lexicographical order)
90 //to each label
91 std::map<int, Point > mapStokes = m_lpbStokes->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).getMapLab2FirstPoint();
92 std::map<int, Point > mapLE = m_lpbLE->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).getMapLab2FirstPoint();
94 // Checking that the number of labels from the surfaces are the same
95 std::stringstream errLine;
96 errLine<<" Different number of boundary labels describing the interfaces: "<<mapStokes.size()<< "!=" <<mapLE.size()<<std::endl;
97 FEL_CHECK(mapStokes.size()==mapLE.size(),errLine.str().c_str());
99 #ifndef NDEBUG
100 int counterOfNotPairedPoints(0);
102 // For readibility, really waiting for c++11
103 typedef std::map<int, std::vector< Point > > map_type;
105 map_type allPointsStokes = m_lpbStokes->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).lab2AllPoints();
106 map_type allPointsLE = m_lpbLE->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).lab2AllPoints();
107 auto listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes = allPointsStokes.begin();
108 auto listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE = allPointsLE.begin();
110 for ( ; /* no initialization needed */
111 listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes != allPointsStokes.end() && listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE != allPointsLE.end();
112 ++listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes, ++listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE ) {
114 std::size_t numPointPerLabelStokes = listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes->second.size();
115 std::size_t numPointPerLabelLE = listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE->second.size();
117 FEL_CHECK( numPointPerLabelStokes == numPointPerLabelLE, "Different number of points at the interface for current label\n");
119 auto pointStokesIterator = listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes->second.begin();
120 auto pointLEIterator = listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE->second.begin();
122 for( ; /* no initialization needed */
123 pointStokesIterator != listOfPointPerLabelIteratorStokes->second.end() && pointLEIterator != listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE->second.end();
124 ++pointStokesIterator, ++pointLEIterator) {
126 if ( *pointStokesIterator != *pointLEIterator ) {
127 ++counterOfNotPairedPoints;
128 }
129 }
130 if ( counterOfNotPairedPoints > 0 ) {
131 std::stringstream aus;
132 aus<<"checking the interface: "<<counterOfNotPairedPoints<<" points differ, out of <<"<<listOfPointPerLabelIteratorLE->second.size()<<std::endl;
133 FEL_ERROR(aus.str().c_str());
134 }
135 MPI_Barrier(MpiInfo::petscComm()); //We wait for all the procs
137 std::stringstream msg;
138 msg<<"All right in the mapping: there is a one to one correspondance between all the nodes at the interface"<<std::endl;
139 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(), "%s",msg.str().c_str());
140 }
141 #endif
143 // for each label of the interface in the Stokes mesh we check the first point
144 for(auto firstPointPerLabelStokesIterator = mapStokes.begin(); firstPointPerLabelStokesIterator != mapStokes.end(); ++firstPointPerLabelStokesIterator) {
145 // we look for corresponding the label in the other mesh
146 bool Found=false;
147 // for each label of the LE mesh
148 for(auto firstPointPerLabelLEIterator = mapLE.begin(); firstPointPerLabelLEIterator != mapLE.end() && !Found; ++firstPointPerLabelLEIterator) {
149 // if the first point is the same for this couple of labels
150 if ( firstPointPerLabelStokesIterator->second == firstPointPerLabelLEIterator->second ) {
151 // then we found the corresponding label
152 Found=true;
153 // we fill the std::unordered_map
154 m_labStokes2LE [ firstPointPerLabelStokesIterator->first ] = firstPointPerLabelLEIterator->first; // <-- key line of the function
155 }
156 }
157 // if we arrived here and we did not find a label it means that ...
158 FEL_CHECK(Found," one label of the interface of the Stokes mesh is not present in the LE mesh");
159 }
160 }
163 // Forward function:
164 // it overrides NSSimplifiedFSI function, this time we really want to override
165 // and we are not going to call the forward method of the mother class inside
166 void
167 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::forward() {
169 //! First several objects and vectors that will be used through
170 //! the different iterations are initialized/computed
172 if ( m_fstransient->iteration == 0 ) {
174 //(1)
175 //! Chronometers initializations
176 m_timeChecker = felisce::make_shared<ChronoInstance>();
177 m_t1 = felisce::make_shared<ChronoInstance>();
178 m_t2 = felisce::make_shared<ChronoInstance>();
179 m_lpbStokes->initChronoRS();
180 //Total time of forward including all kind of overheads
181 m_timeChecker->start();
183 //(2)
184 //! The vectors stores in m_vecs and in m_petscVecs are initialized!
185 m_t1->start();
186 m_lpbStokes->initPetscVectors();
187 m_t1->stop();
188 m_t2->start();
189 m_lpbLE->initPetscVectors();
191 //(3)
192 //! The normal field is computed in m_lpbLE and then sent to the stokes.
193 m_lpbLE->computeNormalField(m_interfaceLabels,m_lpbLE->iDisplacement());
194 m_t2->stop();
195 //! In the first time & fixed point iteration the P1 normal-field is exported from LE and read into Stokes
196 //! differently from the linearProblemPerfectFluid where we do not have a std::vector variable to save
197 //! the normal, here we have all three components of the normalField into another normalField.
198 m_t1->start();
199 m_lpbStokes->readerInterface(m_lpbLE->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).listOfBoundaryPetscDofs(),
200 m_lpbLE->get(LinearProblem::sequential,"normalField"),
201 m_labStokes2LE,
202 "normalField",
203 m_lpbStokes->iUnknownVel(),
204 0/*iUnkComp0, where to read*/
205 );
206 //(4)
207 // Steklov Part!
208 if ( FelisceParam::instance().computeSteklov ) {
209 if( FelisceParam::instance().useRoSteklov ) {
210 const int ivar = m_lpbStokes->listVariable().getVariableIdList(velocity);
211 const int imesh = m_lpbStokes->listVariable()[ivar].idMesh();
212 m_lpbStokes->getRings();
213 m_lpbStokes->assembleLowRankSteklov(imesh);
214 m_lpbStokes->exportAllEig(imesh);
215 } else {
216 m_lpbStokes->assembleFullRankSteklov();
217 }
218 // we clean the RHS: we are going to create a new one in solveStokes
219 m_lpbStokes->clearMatrixRHS(FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs);
220 }
221 m_t1->stop();
223 m_timeChecker->stop();
224 }
226 m_timeChecker->start();
228 //we do not count the time here since it is only post-processing
229 //std::cout<<"PrepareForwardStokes: "<<m_t1->diff()<<std::endl;
230 if ( m_fstransient->iteration == 0 ) {
232 m_t1->start();
233 this->prepareForwardStokes(); // It is important to prepare before the stokes and then LE because in stokes we check for iteration == 0
234 m_t1->stop();
236 m_t2->start();
237 this->prepareForward(FlagMatrixRHS::matrix_and_rhs); // We use the prepare forward of the LEModel, we have updateTime here! There is a clean matrixrhs here!
238 m_lpbLE->assembleMatrixRHS(MpiInfo::rankProc(),FlagMatrixRHS::only_matrix);
239 m_lpbLE->addMatrixRHS();
240 m_t2->stop();
241 } else {
242 m_t2->start();
243 this->prepareForward(FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs); // We use the prepare forward of the LEModel, we have updateTime here! There is a clean matrixrhs here!
244 m_t2->stop();
245 }
247 // initialize the test quantity to one.
248 // and the corresponding tollerance from the data file
249 double testQuantity(1.0), toll(FelisceParam::instance().domainDecompositionToll);
251 // this two integers store the current number of sub-iterations
252 // and of gmres iterations for the current time step
253 felInt cIteration(0), cGmresItLE(0), cGmresItStokes(0);
255 // subiteration of domain decomposition
256 while ( testQuantity > toll && cIteration < FelisceParam::instance().domainDecompositionMaxIt) {
257 // update the it counter and display a nice banner
258 cIteration++;
259 this->displayBannerIterationInit(cIteration);
261 /*! LinearElasticity -- Solution Phase
262 *
263 * The linearElasticity problem is solved
264 */
265 m_t2->start();
266 if ( m_fstransient->iteration == 1 ) {
267 m_lpbLE->assembleMatrixRHS(MpiInfo::rankProc(),FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs);
268 this->solveLinearElasticity(FlagMatrixRHS::matrix_and_rhs);
269 }
270 else {
271 m_lpbLE->assembleMatrixRHS(MpiInfo::rankProc(),FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs);
272 this->solveLinearElasticity(FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs);
273 }
274 cGmresItLE += m_lpbLE->kspInterface().getNumOfIteration();
276 /*! LinearElasticity -- Post-processing
277 *
278 * Now the linear elasticity problem has been solved.
279 *
280 * We have to compute the velocity of the solid at the interface
281 * The current acceleration is also computed in order to compute the velocity.
282 */
283 m_lpbLE->gatherSolution();
284 m_lpbLE->updateCurrentVelocity();
285 m_t2->stop();
286 /*! Communication phase
287 *
288 * Now that the quantity has been computed the Stokes problem has to read it.
289 * It is a std::vector quantity
290 */
291 m_t1->start();
292 m_lpbStokes->readerInterface( m_lpbLE->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).listOfBoundaryPetscDofs(),
293 m_lpbLE->get(LinearProblem::sequential,"velocityCurrent"),
294 m_labStokes2LE,
295 "externalVelocity",
296 m_lpbStokes->iUnknownVel(),
297 0/*iUnkComp0, where to read it starts from this and then it loops over the space dimension*/
298 );
299 /*! Stokes -- Solution phase
300 *
301 * After that the data have been read we proceed and solve the Stokes problem
302 * depending on the data file this will be done either with or without
303 * using the Steklov operator in its full or reduced version
304 */
305 this->solveStokes(cIteration);
306 cGmresItStokes += FelisceParam::instance().computeSteklov?0:m_lpbStokes->kspInterface().getNumOfIteration();
308 /*! Stokes -- Post-processing
309 *
310 * After the problem solution we need to compute the normal stress at the interface.
311 *
312 */
313 m_lpbStokes->gatherSolution();
314 m_lpbStokes->computeResidualRS();
315 m_t1->stop();
316 /*! Communication phase
317 *
318 * Now that the quantity has been computed the Stokes problem has to read it.
319 * It is a std::vector quantity
320 */
321 m_t2->start();
322 m_lpbLE->accelerationPreStep(m_lpbLE->get(LinearProblem::sequential,"externalStress"));
323 m_lpbLE->readStressInterface(m_lpbStokes->dofBD(/*iBD*/0).listOfBoundaryPetscDofs(),
324 m_lpbStokes->seqResidual(),
325 /*iUnknComp0*/0);
327 /*! Convergence test phase
328 *
329 * The test quantities are the normalized L2-norms of the increments
330 * of the two quantities exchanged at the interface:
331 * - the velocity ( from LE to Stokes )
332 * - the normal stresses ( from Stokes to LE )
333 */
334 std::pair<double, double> testQuantities = m_lpbLE->computeTestQuantities();
335 double testVelocity = testQuantities.first;
336 double testStresses = testQuantities.second;
337 testQuantity = testVelocity + testStresses;
339 m_lpbLE->accelerationPostStep( m_lpbLE->get(LinearProblem::sequential,"externalStress"), cIteration );
341 m_t2->stop();
342 // we display a nice banner
343 this->displayBannerIterationEnd(cIteration,testQuantity,testVelocity,testStresses);
344 // we clear only the RHS
345 // it is important to clear the rhs here, because otherwise you will sum into the previous one
346 // the former contribution
347 // We do not clear the matrix since we want to re-use it
348 this->clearMatrixRHSOfPbs(FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs);
349 }
350 if ( cIteration == FelisceParam::instance().domainDecompositionMaxIt ) {
351 std::stringstream war;
352 war<<"************* Maximum number of iterations reached in "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" *********************"<<std::endl;
353 FEL_WARNING(war.str().c_str());
354 }
356 m_timeChecker->stop();
358 //! we finalize the forward
359 this->finalizeForward(cIteration,cGmresItLE,cGmresItStokes);
360 }
362 void StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::prepareForwardStokes() {
363 m_lpbStokes->assembleMatrixRHS(MpiInfo::rankProc());
364 // This is necessary since the stokes matrix is in the matrix(1) of linearProblemNS.
365 // We have to add it all the time to the matrix(0)
366 m_lpbStokes->addMatrixRHS();
367 m_lpbStokes->createAndCopyMatrixRHSWithoutBC();
368 }
370 void
371 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::writeTimeInfo() {
373 // we convert the relaxation parameter into a std::string
374 std::stringstream aus;
375 aus<<MpiInfo::rankProc();
377 // we open a file in the folder before the result dir
378 // overwriting the previous content
379 // the information are described in the header prined here
380 std::ofstream iterationFile( std::string(FelisceParam::instance().resultDir + "timeInfo"+aus.str()+".dat").c_str() , std::ios::trunc );
381 iterationFile <<"TimeStep"<<'\t'
382 <<"fixedPointIterations"<<'\t'
383 <<"totalGmresIterationsLE"<<'\t'
384 <<"totalGmresIterationsStokes"<<'\t'
385 <<"gmresIterationsPerFixedPointIt"<<'\t'
386 <<"cumulatedTime"<<'\t'
387 <<"onlyForStokes"<<'\t'
388 <<"onlyForLE"
389 <<std::endl;
390 for ( std::size_t ts(0); ts<m_numFixedPointItPerTimeStep.size(); ++ts) {
391 iterationFile<<ts+1<<'\t'
392 <<m_numFixedPointItPerTimeStep[ts]<<'\t'
393 <<m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepLE[ts]<<'\t'
394 <<m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepStokes[ts]<<'\t'
395 <<double(m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepLE[ts] + m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepStokes[ts])/double(m_numFixedPointItPerTimeStep[ts])<<'\t'
396 <<m_cumulatedForwardTime[ts]<<'\t'
397 <<m_cumulatedStokesTime[ts]<<'\t'
398 <<m_cumulatedLETime[ts]
399 <<std::endl;
400 }
401 //we close the file
402 iterationFile.close();
403 }
405 // ======================================================================
406 // now the privates methods
407 // ======================================================================
409 // this function overrides
410 // LinearElasticityModel::finalizeForward();
411 void
412 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::finalizeForward(int cIteration, int cGmresItLE, int cGmresItStokes) {
413 // we call the function of the mother class
414 LinearElasticityModel::finalizeForward();
416 //first we store the new data
417 m_numFixedPointItPerTimeStep.push_back(cIteration);
418 m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepLE.push_back(cGmresItLE);
419 m_totNumOfGMRESItPerTimeStepStokes.push_back(cGmresItStokes);
421 m_cumulatedForwardTime.push_back(m_timeChecker->diff_cumul());
422 m_cumulatedStokesTime.push_back(m_t1->diff_cumul());
423 m_cumulatedLETime.push_back(m_t2->diff_cumul());
425 writeTimeInfo();
426 }
428 // we reset the interface quantities of both problem
429 // typically we are going to use this function with
430 // flag = only-rhs
431 // but there is no default
432 void
433 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::clearMatrixRHSOfPbs( FlagMatrixRHS flag) {
434 m_lpbLE->clearMatrixRHS(flag);
435 m_lpbStokes->clearMatrixRHS(flag);
436 }
438 // this function solve the Stokes problem
439 // we do not have a similar function for NS since it is in the mother class
440 void
441 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::solveStokes(int nfp) {
442 if ( FelisceParam::instance().computeSteklov ) {
443 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() )
444 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"Stokes problem using Steklov operator\n");
445 m_lpbStokes->solveStokesUsingSteklov(m_fstransient, nfp);
446 } else {
447 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() )
448 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"Solving Stokes equations \n");
449 // In the first fixed point iteration, we assemble both matrix and rhs, consider that for stokes the matrix does not really change since we have no advection.
450 // In the following one we only recompute the the rhs.
452 // Some things to think about it..
453 // (1) Stokes does not have advection, so the matrix is all in matrix(1)
454 // (2) We cannot have time-depending force term because the reduced steklov method does not allow it.
455 // (3) the only things that can vary with time are the not-constant boundary conditions which are below.
457 if ( nfp == 1 && m_fstransient->iteration == 1) {
458 m_lpbStokes->assembleMatrixRHS(MpiInfo::rankProc(), FlagMatrixRHS::matrix_and_rhs); // important for supg
459 m_lpbStokes->addMatrixRHS();
460 m_lpbStokes->createAndCopyMatrixRHSWithoutBC();
461 m_lpbStokes->finalizeEssBCTransient(); // I think it is in preparation of applyBC why then it is not into applyBC?
462 m_lpbStokes->applyBC(FelisceParam::instance().essentialBoundaryConditionsMethod, MpiInfo::rankProc(), FlagMatrixRHS::matrix_and_rhs,FlagMatrixRHS::matrix_and_rhs); // there is a call here to assemblyNaturalBoundaryConditions.
463 }
464 m_lpbStokes->finalizeEssBCTransient(); // I think it is in preparation of applyBC why then it is not into applyBC?
465 m_lpbStokes->applyBC(FelisceParam::instance().essentialBoundaryConditionsMethod, MpiInfo::rankProc(), FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs,FlagMatrixRHS::only_rhs); // there is a call here to assemblyNaturalBoundaryConditions.
467 m_lpbStokes->chronoRS()->start();
469 m_lpbStokes->solve(MpiInfo::rankProc(), MpiInfo::numProc());
470 m_lpbStokes->chronoRS()->stop();
471 m_lpbStokes->exportOutputSteklov(m_fstransient,nfp);
472 }
473 }
475 // two nice banners for the sub-iterations
476 void
477 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::displayBannerIterationInit( felInt cIt ) const {
479 std::stringstream banner;
480 for( felInt k(0); k<25; k++)
481 banner<<"=";
482 banner<<"> iteration "<<cIt<<std::endl;
483 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"%s", banner.str().c_str());
484 }
485 void
486 StokesLinearElasticityCoupledModel::displayBannerIterationEnd( felInt /*cIt*/, double testQuantity, double testVelocity, double testStresses ) const {
488 std::stringstream banner;
489 for( felInt k(0); k<25; k++)
490 banner<<"=";
491 banner<<"> Test Quantity :"<<testQuantity<<std::endl;
492 for( felInt k(0); k<25; k++)
493 banner<<" ";
494 banner<<" Velocity :"<<testVelocity<<std::endl;
495 for( felInt k(0); k<25; k++)
496 banner<<" ";
497 banner<<" Stresses :"<<testStresses<<std::endl;
498 PetscPrintf(MpiInfo::petscComm(),"%s", banner.str().c_str());
499 }
500 }