GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: FiniteElement/elementMatrix.hpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 22 22 100.0%
Branches: 8 16 50.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors: J. Foulon & J-F. Gerbeau & V. Martin & Miguel Fernandez
13 //
18 // System includes
19 #include <vector>
20 #include <ostream>
21 #include <atomic>
23 // External includes
25 // Project includes
26 #include "Core/felisce.hpp"
27 #include "Core/shared_pointers.hpp"
28 #include "FiniteElement/elementField.hpp"
29 #include "FiniteElement/elementVector.hpp"
30 #include "FiniteElement/curBaseFiniteElement.hpp"
32 namespace felisce
33 {
34 ///@name felisce Globals
35 ///@{
37 ///@}
38 ///@name Type Definitions
39 ///@{
41 ///@}
42 ///@name Enum's
43 ///@{
45 ///@}
46 ///@name Functions
47 ///@{
49 ///@}
50 ///@name felisce Classes
51 ///@{
52 class ElementMatrix
53 {
54 public:
55 ///@name Type Definitions
56 ///@{
58 /// Pointer definition of ElementMatrix
61 ///@}
62 ///@name Life Cycle
63 ///@{
65 // default constructor
✓ Branch 6 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
✓ Branch 15 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 16 not taken.
✓ Branch 18 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 19 not taken.
✓ Branch 21 taken 120 times.
✗ Branch 22 not taken.
120 ElementMatrix() = default;
68 //! constructor for an arbitrary number of finite elements
69 ElementMatrix(const std::vector<const CurBaseFiniteElement*>& fe, const std::vector<std::size_t>& nbr, const std::vector<std::size_t>& nbc);
71 //! constructor for an arbitrary number of finite elements
72 ElementMatrix(const std::vector<const CurBaseFiniteElement*>& fer, const std::vector<std::size_t>& nbr, const std::vector<const CurBaseFiniteElement*>& fec, const std::vector<std::size_t>& nbc);
74 // constructor for 1 finite element
75 FELISCE_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("WARNING:: This constructor will be removed in the near future. Please use the main constructor which consider constant vector.")
76 ElementMatrix(const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t nbr1, const std::size_t nbc1);
78 // constructor for 2 finite elements
79 FELISCE_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("WARNING:: This constructor will be removed in the near future. Please use the main constructor which consider constant vector.")
80 ElementMatrix(const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe1, const std::size_t nbr1, const std::size_t nbc1,
81 const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe2, const std::size_t nbr2, const std::size_t nbc2);
83 // constructor for 3 finite elements
84 FELISCE_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("WARNING:: This constructor will be removed in the near future. Please use the main constructor which consider constant vector.")
85 ElementMatrix(const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe1, const std::size_t nbr1, const std::size_t nbc1,
86 const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe2, const std::size_t nbr2, const std::size_t nbc2,
87 const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe3, const std::size_t nbr3, const std::size_t nbc3 );
90 //! Copy constructor, to avoid warning due to user-declared destructor.
91 ElementMatrix(const ElementMatrix& rOther);
93 // default destructor
94 72183 ~ElementMatrix() = default;
96 ///@}
97 ///@name Operators
98 ///@{
100 //! Assignment, to avoid warning due to user-declared destructor.
101 ElementMatrix& operator=(const ElementMatrix& rOther);
103 /*!
104 * \brief operator +=
105 *
106 * This operator acts upon the underlying UBlasMatrix and is is assumed all the other attributes are the same (it
107 * is checked by several assert in debug mode).
108 */
109 void operator+=(const ElementMatrix& mat);
111 /*!
112 * \brief operator -=
113 *
114 * This operator acts upon the underlying UBlasMatrix and is is assumed all the other attributes are the same (it
115 * is checked by several assert in debug mode).
116 */
117 void operator-=(const ElementMatrix& mat);
119 //! Operator multiplication by a scalar.
120 void operator*=(const double factor);
122 /**
123 * @brief Access operators
124 */
125 const double& operator () (const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j) const {
126 return m_mat(i, j);
127 }
129 2079 double& operator () (const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j) {
130 2079 return m_mat(i, j);
131 }
133 ///@}
134 ///@name Operations
135 ///@{
137 void duplicateFrom(const ElementMatrix& mat);
139 341183149 UBlasMatrixRange matBlock( std::size_t i, std::size_t j ) {
140 341183149 return getMatBlock(m_mat, i, j);
141 }
143 437464137 UBlasMatrixRange getMatBlock(UBlasMatrix& mat, std::size_t i, std::size_t j ) {
✓ Branch 4 taken 437464137 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
437464137 return UBlasMatrixRange(mat,UBlasRange( m_firstRow[i], m_firstRow[i]+m_numRow[i]),
✓ Branch 5 taken 437464137 times.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
1312392411 UBlasRange( m_firstCol[ j ],m_firstCol[ j ]+m_numCol[ j ]));
146 }
148 /**
149 * @brief Size 1
150 */
151 238 std::size_t size1() const {
152 238 return m_mat.size1();
153 }
155 /**
156 * @brief Size 2
157 */
158 2030 std::size_t size2() const {
159 2030 return m_mat.size2();
160 }
162 /**
163 * @brief Sets to zero the main matrix
164 */
165 54995499 void zero() {
166 54995499 m_mat.clear();
167 54995499 }
169 //Operator div(grad symmetric): div(\eps(\u)) with \eps(\u) = 1/2 (grad u + grad^T u)
170 // \int \eps(\phi_i):\eps(\phi_j)
171 void eps_phi_i_eps_phi_j(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
173 //Operator div(grad symmetric): div(a \eps(\u)) with \eps(\u) = 1/2 (grad u + grad^T u)
174 // \int a \eps(\phi_i):\eps(\phi_j)
175 void a_eps_phi_i_eps_phi_j(const double coef,const ElementField& scalfct,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
177 void grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
179 void grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
181 void phi_j_grad_psi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fei,const CurrentFiniteElement& fej,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
183 void phi_i_grad_psi_j(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fei,const CurrentFiniteElement& fej,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
185 void a_grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const ElementField& scalfct,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
187 void a_grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const ElementField& scalfct,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
189 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
190 // compute \int_K \grad \phi_i \cdot \vec \phi_j
191 void grad_phi_i_dot_vec_phi_j(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
193 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
194 // compute \int_K eps \phi_i \cdot \vec \phi_j
195 void eps_phi_i_dot_vec_phi_j(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
197 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
198 // compute \int_K \grad \phi_j \cdot \vec \phi_i
199 void phi_i_grad_phi_j_dot_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
201 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
202 // compute \int_K \eps \phi_j \cdot \vec \phi_i
203 void phi_i_eps_phi_j_dot_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
205 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
206 // compute \int_K \eps \phi_j \vec \cdot \eps \phi_i \vec
207 void eps_phi_j_vec_dot_eps_phi_i_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
209 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
210 // compute \int_K \grad \phi_j \vec \cdot \grad \phi_i \vec
211 void grad_phi_j_vec_dot_grad_phi_i_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
213 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
214 // TODO: instead of diffTensor we should pass some kind of element field
215 // diffTensor is in practice a vector dof_field.
216 void tau_grad_phi_i_tau_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const std::vector<double>& diffTensor,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num,std::size_t dim = 3);
218 void tau_grad_phi_i_tau_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const std::vector<double>& diffTensor,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
220 void tau_orthotau_grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const std::vector<double>& diffTensor,const std::vector<double>& angle,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
222 //! Operator used in linear elasticity problem
223 void grad_phi_i_GradientBasedElastTensor_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, UBlasMatrix& GradientBasedElastTensor, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
225 /*!
226 * \brief Operator used in hyperelasticity problem.
227 */
228 void grad_phi_i_GradientBasedHyperElastTensor_grad_phi_j(const double coef,
229 const CurrentFiniteElement& feDisplacement,
230 int quadraturePointIndex,
231 UBlasMatrix& GradientBasedHyperElastTensor, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
233 void phi_i_phi_j(const double coef,const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
235 void setZerosLung(const double coef,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
237 void phi_i_phi_j_lumped(const double coef,const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
239 void a_phi_i_phi_j(const double coef,const ElementField& scalfct,const CurBaseFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
241 void penalty_contact_phi_i_scalar_n_phi_j_scalar_n(const double coef,const std::vector<double>& normal, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe,const ElementField& disp, const ElementField& gap);
243 void penalty_phi_i_scalar_n_phi_j_scalar_n(const double coef, CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& vel, std::size_t iblock, std::size_t jblock);
245 void nitsche_contact_phi_i_scalar_n_phi_j_scalar_n(const double coef,const std::vector<double>& normal, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe,const ElementField& disp, const ElementField& gap, const ElementField& lambda);
247 void nitsche_contact_phi_i_scalar_n_phi_j_scalar_n(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe,const ElementField& disp, const ElementField& gap, const ElementField& normal, const ElementField& lambda);
249 void phi_i_psi_j_scalar_n(const double coef,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe1, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe2, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
251 void u_grad_phi_j_phi_i(const double coef,const ElementField& vel,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num, bool transpose=false);
253 void u_grad_phi_j_phi_i(const double coef,const ElementField& vel, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
255 void u_grad_phi_i_grad_psi_j(const double coef,const ElementField& vel,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe1, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe2, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
257 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
258 // Operator \intOmega coef (rot(u^n+1) x u^n) \cdot v - coef/2 (u^n+1 \cdot u^n) div(v)
259 // Used in linearProblemNS : \int_{\Omega} \rho rot(u^{n+1} x u^n \cdot v - \rho/2 u^{n+1} \cdot u^n) div(v)
260 // with coef = \rho
261 void convective_rot(const double coef, const ElementField& vel, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
263 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
264 // operator \int_{Sigma} u^{n+1} Grad u^{n} \dot v
265 void phi_grad_u(const double coef,const ElementField& vel,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
267 void phi_grad_u_minus_grad_u_phi(const double coef,const ElementField& vel,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
269 // Temam's operator
270 // Operator \intOmega (\nabla \cdot u^n) u^n+1 v (Temam's operator to stabilize the convective term)
271 void div_u_phi_j_phi_i(const double coef, const ElementField& vel, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
273 //! Operators \f$ \int_{\Sigma} (\grad \phi_i \dot n) \psi_j \f$, (and its transpose)
274 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element. (For Nitsche's treatment...)
275 void grad_phi_i_dot_n_psi_j(const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbd1, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbd2, int iblockBd, int numblockBd, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num, const double coef1,const double coef2);
277 //! Operator \f$ \int_{\Sigma} (\grad \phi_i \dot n) (\grad \phi_j \dot n) \f$,
278 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element. (For Nitsche's treatment...)
279 void grad_phi_i_dot_n_grad_phi_j_dot_n(const double coef,const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fe, int iblockBd, int numblockBd, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
281 //! Operator \int_{\Sigma} (\grad \phi_i \dot n) (\grad \phi_j \dot n)
282 //! Use to compute the ghost penalty stabilization term
283 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
284 //! iBdPhi is the local id of the boundary for the element fewbdphi
285 //! iBdPsi is the local id of the same boundary but for the element fewbdpsi
286 void grad_phi_j_dot_n_grad_psi_i_dot_n(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbdphi, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbdpsi, felInt iBdPhi, felInt iBdPsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t numBlock);
288 //! Operator \int_{\Sigma} (\grad \phi_i) (\grad \phi_j)
289 //! Use to compute the pressure jump for face-oriented stabilization
290 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
291 //! iBdPhi is the local id of the boundary for the element fewbdphi
292 //! iBdPsi is the local id of the same boundary but for the element fewbdpsi
293 void grad_phi_j_grad_psi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbdphi, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fewbdpsi, felInt iBdPhi, felInt iBdPsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t numBlock);
295 void div_phi_j_div_phi_i(const double coef,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
297 /*!
298 Operator \f$ \int \psi_j \mbox{div} \phi_i \f$, multiplied by coef1 in blocks (iblock,jblock), ..., (iblock+numCoor,jblock),
299 and \f$ \int \psi_i \mbox{div} \phi_j \f$ calculated by transposing the first term, multiplied by coef2 in blocks (jblock,iblock),...,(jblock,iblock+numCoor)
300 Example : \int p \nabla \cdot v and \int q \nabla \cdot u in Stokes problem
301 */
302 void psi_j_div_phi_i_and_psi_i_div_phi_j (const CurrentFiniteElement& fe1,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe2, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const double coef1,const double coef2);
303 /*
304 Operator \f$ coeff \int \psi_j \nabla \cdot \phi_i \f$
305 */
306 void psi_j_div_phi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fei,const CurrentFiniteElement& fej,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
307 /*
308 Operator \f$ coeff \int \psi_i \nabla \cdot \phi_j \f$
309 */
310 void psi_i_div_phi_j(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fej,const CurrentFiniteElement& fei,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
312 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 // Some explanation about SUPG:
314 // noting T:time, L:length, M:mass
315 // WARNING: tau has a dimension of T*L^3*M^{-1} -> remember this when you use P1-P1
316 // It's advised to choose your units knowing this.
317 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 void stab_supg(const double dt, const double stab1, const double stab2, const double density, const double visc,const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& vel,const ElementField& rhs,ElementVector& elemVec, double& Re_elem,double& tau, const int type=1);
320 void stab_supgNSHeat(const double dt, const double stab1, const double alpha, const double density, const double visc, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& vel, const int type,const std::vector<double> & gravity);
322 void stab_supgAdvDiffCT(const double dt, const double stab1, const double stab2, const double density, const double visc, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe,const ElementField& vel);
324 void stab_supgProjCT(const double dt, const double stab1, const double density, const double visc, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe,const ElementField& vel);
326 void stab_supgMatrixFS(const double dt, const double stabSUPG, const double density, const double viscosity, const double c0, const double c1, const double c2, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& vel);
328 // outflow stabilization a la Bertoglio et al. (in progress)
329 void f_dot_n_grad_phi_i_grad_phi_j(const double coef,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& elfield,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
331 //void outflow_stabilization(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& elfield, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num);
332 // Operator: int_Sigma [ ( u^{n} \cdot normal ) ( u^{n+1}*v ) ]
333 // If you want to apply outflow stabilization method as the following example:
334 // Example : if f_dot_n = u^{n} * normal < 0,
335 // adding - (rho/2) * int_Sigma [ ( u^{n} \cdot normal ) ( u^{n+1}*v ) ]
336 // You should activate stabilization flag in your data file (see Core/felisceParam.cpp -> addedBoundaryFlag
337 void f_dot_n_phi_i_phi_j(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& elfield, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock,const std::size_t num, int stabFlag = 0);
339 // inflow stabilization for Nitsche-XFEM formulation
340 // Same as f_dot_n_phi_i_phi_j but with currentFiniteElement instead of CurvilinearFiniteElement
341 // Used in Nitsche-XFEM formulation
342 // elt_f is the function f
343 // elt_n is the "normal". This is a constant elementField with as many components as elt_f
344 void f_dot_n_phi_i_phi_j(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fe, const ElementField& elt_f, const ElementField& elt_n, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num, const felInt stabFlag);
346 /*!
347 Operator
348 \int_{\Sigma} ( \|\phi \dot n \| - (\phi \dot n) ) \phi_i \phi_j
349 for selecting the inflow boundary (where u.n < 0)
350 */
351 void abs_u_dot_n_phi_i_phi_j(const double coef, ElementField& vel, CurvilinearFiniteElement& febd, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const int num);
353 // Operator: coef * int_Sigma [ ( u \times normale ) ( v \times normale ) ] (in 3D)
354 // To impose the tangential velocity to be zero (for now)
355 // The labels must be specified in the datafile (see Core/felisceParam.cpp -> compTangBClabel )
356 void phi_i_times_n_phi_j_times_n(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const int numComp);
358 // Operator: coef * int_Sigma [ ( u \cdot normale ) ( v \cdot normale ) ]
359 void phi_i_dot_n_phi_j_dot_n(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const int numComp);
361 // Operator: coef * int_Sigma [ ( u \cdot tangent ) ( v \cdot tangent ) ]
362 void phi_i_dot_t_phi_j_dot_t(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const int numComp);
364 // int_Sigma [coeff eps(phi_j)n dot n phi_i dot n ] (i=test function)
365 void eps_phi_j_n_dot_n_phi_i_dot_n(const double coeff, const CurrentFiniteElementWithBd& fe,int iblockBd,int numblockBd,const std::size_t iblock,const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
367 // int_Sigma [coeff psi_j phi_i dot n ] (i=test function) something similar already there in phi_i_psi_j_scalar_n
368 void psi_j_phi_i_dot_n(const double coeff,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& feVel, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePres,const std::size_t iblock,std::size_t presBlock, const std::size_t num);
370 //for each node the std::vector P*N is defined, then it is interpolated via the FE basis into the element
371 void psi_j_phi_i_dot_n_on_nodes(const double coeff,const ElementField& normal, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& feVel, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePres,const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t presBlock);
373 void sGrad_psi_j_tensor_sGrad_phi_i(const double coef, const ElementField& normalField, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const UBlasMatrix& tensor);
375 /**
376 * @brief surface laplacian operator for scalar quantities
377 * @param[in] coef coefficient in front of the integral
378 * @param[in] fe finite element of the surface
379 * @param[in] tensor the tensor between the covariant gradients: if you put the inverse of the first fundamental form you obtain a laplacian operator.
380 * @param[in] blockId block where to put the result.
381 */
382 void sGrad_psi_j_tensor_sGrad_phi_i_for_scalar(const double coef, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const UBlasMatrix& tensor, const std::size_t blockId);
384 void sGrad_psi_j_tensor_sGrad_phi_i(const double coef, const ElementField& elemCoef, const ElementField& normalField, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const UBlasMatrix& tensor);
386 // used in the choroid
387 void dpsi_j_dh_psi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fei,const CurrentFiniteElement& fej,std::size_t h, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock);
389 void transpirationSurfStab( const double coef, const ElementField& elemCoef, const ElementField& normalField, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, const UBlasMatrix& tensor);
391 // feVel1 correspond to the Volume element, while feVel2 to the surface element
392 // this is used to create a rectangular elementary matrix
393 ElementMatrix(const CurBaseFiniteElement& feVel1, const CurBaseFiniteElement& feVel2, std::size_t nbr1, std::size_t nbc1,
394 const CurBaseFiniteElement& fePres, std::size_t nbr2, std::size_t nbc2);
396 void followerPressure(const double coef, const ElementField& press, const ElementField& disp, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe);
398 void velocityConstraint(const double coef, const ElementField& disp, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fe, int iblock);
400 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
401 //! Operator for DG on faces \int_{\Sigma} \psi_j \phi_i $,
402 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
403 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
404 void psi_j_phi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
406 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
407 //! Operator for DG on faces $ \int_{\Sigma} psi_j_eps_phi_i_dot_vec $,
408 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
409 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
410 void psi_j_eps_phi_i_dot_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
412 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
413 //! Operator for DG on faces $ \int_{\Sigma} psi_j_grad_phi_i_dot_vec $,
414 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
415 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
416 void psi_j_grad_phi_i_dot_vec(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
418 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
419 //! Operator for DG on faces $ \int_{\Sigma} eps_psi_j_dot_vec_phi_i $,
420 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
421 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
422 void eps_psi_j_dot_vec_phi_i(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
424 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
425 //! Operator for DG on faces $ \int_{\Sigma} grad_psi_j_dot_vec_phi_i $,
426 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
427 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
428 void grad_psi_j_dot_vec_phi_i(const double coef, const ElementField& vec, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num);
430 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
431 //! Operator for DG on faces $ \int_{\Sigma} f_dot_n_psi_j_phi_i $,
432 //! where $\Sigma$ is a boundary element.
433 // elt_f is the function f
434 // elt_n is the "normal". This is a constant elementField with as many components as elt_f
435 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
436 void f_dot_n_psi_j_phi_i(const double coef, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePhi, const CurrentFiniteElement& fePsi, const ElementField& elt_f, const ElementField& elt_n, const std::size_t iblock, const std::size_t jblock, const std::size_t num, felInt stabFlag);
438 void const_phi_i_dot_n(const double coeff,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePhi, /*const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePres,*/const std::size_t iBlock, const std::size_t jBlock/*, std::size_t num*/);
439 void const_phi_j_dot_n(const double coeff,const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePhi, /*const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePres,*/ const std::size_t iBlock, const std::size_t jBlock /*, std::size_t num*/);
441 void const_phi_i(const double coeff, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePhi, const std::size_t iBlock, const std::size_t jBlock);
442 void const_phi_j(const double coeff, const CurvilinearFiniteElement& fePhi, const std::size_t iBlock, const std::size_t jBlock);
446 ///@}
447 ///@name Access
448 ///@{
450 99951493 UBlasMatrix& mat() {
451 99951493 return m_mat;
452 }
453 8 std::size_t numBlockRow() const {
454 8 return m_numRow.size();
455 }
456 8 std::size_t numBlockCol() const {
457 8 return m_numCol.size();
458 }
460 //std::size_t numRow() const {return m_numRow;}
462 //std::size_t numCol() const {return m_numCol;}
464 ///@}
465 ///@name Inquiry
466 ///@{
468 ///@}
469 ///@name Input and output
470 ///@{
472 void print(std::size_t verbose,std::ostream& c=std::cout);
474 ///@}
475 ///@name Friends
476 ///@{
478 ///@}
479 protected:
480 ///@name Protected static Member Variables
481 ///@{
483 ///@}
484 ///@name Protected member Variables
485 ///@{
487 ///@}
488 ///@name Protected Operators
489 ///@{
491 ///@}
492 ///@name Protected Operations
493 ///@{
495 ///@}
496 ///@name Protected Access
497 ///@{
499 ///@}
500 ///@name Protected Inquiry
501 ///@{
503 ///@}
504 ///@name Protected LifeCycle
505 ///@{
507 ///@}
508 private:
509 ///@name Private static Member Variables
510 ///@{
512 ///@}
513 ///@name Private member Variables
514 ///@{
516 UBlasMatrix m_mat; //!< The element matrix
517 std::vector<std::size_t> m_numRow; //!< m_numRow[i]=number of rows in the i-th block row
518 std::vector<std::size_t> m_firstRow; //!< m_firstRow[i]=index of the first row of i-th block row
519 std::vector<std::size_t> m_numCol; //!< m_numCol[i]=number of columns in the i-th block col
520 std::vector<std::size_t> m_firstCol; //!< m_firstCol[i]=index of the first column of i-th block col
522 // TODO:: All temp classes should be replaced with on time execution (otherwise much memory consumed)
523 UBlasMatrix m_tmpMat; //!< temporary element matrix (same size as m_mat)
524 UBlasVector m_tmpVecCoor;//!< temporary vector (size = numCoor)
525 UBlasVector m_tmpVec2Coor;//!< temporary vector (size = numCoor)
526 UBlasVector m_tmpVecDof;//!< temporary vector (size = numDof)
527 UBlasVector m_tmpVec2Dof;//!< temporary vector (size = numDof)
528 UBlasVector m_tmpVecQuadPoint; //!< temporary vector (size = numQuadraturePoint)
530 ///@}
531 ///@name Private Operators
532 ///@{
534 ///@}
535 ///@name Private Operations
536 ///@{
538 ///@}
539 ///@name Private Access
540 ///@{
542 ///@}
543 ///@name Private Inquiry
544 ///@{
546 ///@}
547 ///@name Private LifeCycle
548 ///@{
550 ///@}
551 };
552 ///@}
553 ///@name Type Definitions
554 ///@{
556 ///@}
557 } /* namespace felisce.*/
559 #endif