GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: DegreeOfFreedom/dofBoundary.hpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 12 15 80.0%
Branches: 1 2 50.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors: J. Foulon & J-F. Gerbeau
13 //
15 #ifndef __DOFBOUNDARY_HPP__
16 #define __DOFBOUNDARY_HPP__
18 // System includes
20 // External includes
22 // Project includes
23 #include "Core/NoThirdPartyWarning/Petsc/ao.hpp"
24 #include "DegreeOfFreedom/dof.hpp"
25 #include "PETScInterface/petscMatrix.hpp"
26 #include "PETScInterface/petscVector.hpp"
28 namespace felisce
29 {
30 //forward declaration
31 class LinearProblem;
32 // class PetscMatrix;
33 /*! \class DofBoundary
34 \author M.Aletti
35 \date 2015
37 DofBoundary contains several tools to:
38 - list the dofs at the interface in order to create a one to one mapping within two different linear problems that share a common interface.
39 - create a new ordering (local, application and petsc) to describe dofs at the interface in order to define matrices and vectors therein.
40 - mappings to associate dofs on the boundary to the corresponding ones on the volume.
41 - it also creates a subcommunicator where procs are divided into two separate groups: those who have at least one dof on the boundary and those who don't.
42 */
43 class DofBoundary {
45 public:
46 /// Two types of PetsVec, to improve readibility
47 enum vectorType { sequential, ///< Sequential vectors
48 parallel ///< Parallel vectors
49 };
51 //===============
53 //==============
54 public:
55 DofBoundary();
56 void initialize( LinearProblem* lpb_ptr );
57 //! it fills the interface mappings in.
58 void buildBoundaryVolumeMapping(int iUnknown, int iComponent );
59 void buildBoundaryVolumeMapping(int iUnknown, std::vector<int> components );
60 /*!
61 @{ \name General information taken from LinearProblem
62 */
63 private:
64 Dof* m_dofPtr; //!< Pointer to m_dof of LinearProblem.
65 AO m_ao; //!< The ApplicationOrdering of LinearProblem.
66 std::vector < int > *m_dofPartPtr; //!<
67 /*!@}*/
68 public:
69 //! it fills m_boundaryPattern in, taking the pattern from the volume matrix pattern.
70 void buildBoundaryPattern();
71 //! it allocates a matrix on the boundary using the boundary pattern.
72 void allocateMatrixOnBoundary( PetscMatrix& theMatrix );
74 /**
75 * @brief it allocates a vector on the boundary
76 * Note that it is necessary to pass v as a reference since the allocation is done at this time and therefore even the pointer is changed.
77 * The vector is allocated only if you actually have some dofs on the boundary.
78 */
79 PetscVector allocateBoundaryVector(vectorType type);
81 /**
82 * @brief It restricts a volume std::vector to a PARALLEL boundary vector
83 * @param[in] volumeVector, parallel or sequential vector defined on the volume
84 * @param[out] parallelBoundaryVector, a std::vector defined on the boundary
85 * Given a vector on the volume the value on the boundary of the domain are read and written
86 * on a smaller vector defined only on the boundary
87 */
88 void restrictOnBoundary(PetscVector& volume, PetscVector& boundary);
90 /**
91 * @brief It provides the extension of a boundary vector to a PARALLEL volume vector
92 * @param[in] boundaryVector parallel or serial vector defined on the boundary.
93 * @param[out] parallelVolumeVector a parallel vector defined on the volume.
94 * Given a (sequential or parallel) vector defined on the boundary.
95 * The function extends it to a PARALLEL volume vector. The function leaves untouched the value corresponing to the volume dofs.
96 * Then outside the function you can do a gather, no need to call assembly on the volume vector out of this function.
97 */
98 void extendOnVolume(PetscVector& volume, PetscVector& boundary);
100 // it builds some maps:
101 // These maps are global with respect to the different processors.
102 //
103 // m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs: it depends on iVar and iComp
104 // l = label of a region of the interface |--> map_l:
105 // i \in (0, numDofOfThisLabel) |--> idDofInPetscOrdering_i
106 // m_mapLab2FirstPoint: /* it does not really depend on nothing, but the geometry */
107 // l = label of a region of the interface |--> point, 3D coordinates of the first point
108 //
109 // m_mapLab2AllPoints: /* no matter which iVar and which iComp, the ordering will be the same! */
110 // l = label of a region of the interface |--> std::vector containing all the points in the same order as in m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs
111 //
112 void buildListOfBoundaryPetscDofs(LinearProblem* lpb_ptr, std::vector<int> labelOfInterface, int iUnknown, int iComponent);
114 /*!
115 @{ \name Getters
116 */
117 // ===================
118 // GETTERS
119 // ===================
120 public:
121 //! Number of local dofs on the interface.
122 1908 inline std::size_t numLocalDofInterface() const { return m_numLocalDofInterface; }
123 //! Number of local dofs on the interface.
124 644 inline std::size_t numGlobalDofInterface() const { return m_numGlobalDofInterface; }
125 //! Application ordering std::unordered_map for the interface.
126 324 inline AO ao() const { return m_aoInterface; }
127 //! Boundary communicator.
128 632 inline MPI_Comm comm() const { return m_boundaryComm; }
129 //! true if the current processor has at least one of its dofs on the boundary
130 1116 inline bool hasDofsOnBoundary() const { return ( m_numLocalDofInterface > 0 ); }
131 /*! \brief given the idUnkComp, the label and the id, it returns the dof id in the petsc volume ordering
133 \param[in] idUnkComp the composed id that denotes both the unknown and the component
134 \param[in] bdLabel the label of the portion of the boundary we are looking at
135 \param[in] id the id of the dofTODO: in which ordering??
136 \return id of the dof in the petsc volume ordering
137 */
138 37584 inline felInt getPetscDofs( felInt idUnkComp, felInt bdLabel, felInt id ) const { return m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs.at(idUnkComp).at(bdLabel).at(id); }
139 /*! \brief given the unknown index and the component it returns a mapping that, for each label, contains the list of ids in petsc volume ordering
140 \param[in] iUnknown id of the unknown
141 \param[in] iComponent number of the component
142 \return a std::unordered_map from a label of a portion of the boundary to a std::unordered_map which in fact is a list of ids petsc volume ordering
143 */
✓ Branch 2 taken 464 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
464 inline const std::map<int,std::map<int,int> >& listOfBoundaryPetscDofs( int iUnknown, int iComponent ) const { return m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs.at(m_dofPtr->getNumGlobComp(iUnknown,iComponent)); }
145 inline const std::map<int, std::map<int, std::map<int, int > > > listOfBoundaryPetscDofs() const { return m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs;}
146 //! function returning a pointer to the starting point of #m_loc2PetscVolume
147 636 inline const felInt* loc2PetscVolPtr() const { return &m_loc2PetscVolume[0]; }
148 //! function returning a pointer to the starting point of #m_loc2PetscInterface
149 636 inline const felInt* loc2PetscBDPtr() const { return &m_loc2PetscInterface[0]; }
150 //! function returning a pointer to the starting point of #m_glob2PetscVolume
151 inline const felInt* glob2PetscVolPtr() const { return &m_glob2PetscVolume[0]; }
152 //! given an index in the petsc volume ordering it returns the correspoding index in the application boundary ordering
153 inline felInt petscVol2ApplicationBD( int id ) const { return m_petscVolume2Glob.at(id) ; }
154 //! given an index in the application boundary ordering it returns the coresponding index in the petsc volume ordering
155 324 inline felInt globBD2PetscVol( int id ) const { return m_glob2PetscVolume[id]; }
156 //! it returns the mapping associating each label its first point
157 8 inline const std::map<int, Point >& getMapLab2FirstPoint() const { return m_mapLab2FirstPoint; }
158 //! it returns the mapping associating each label all its points
159 8 inline const std::map<int, std::vector<Point> > & lab2AllPoints() const { return m_mapLab2AllPoints; }
160 // It returns the std::vector of std::set of pairs of (PetscVolDof,Point)
161 inline const std::vector<setOfPairOfIntAndPoint> & localVecOfSet() const { return m_localVecOfSet; }
162 /*!@}*/
163 public:
164 // ===================
166 // ===================
167 void displayBoundaryVolumeMapping () const;
168 void exportInterfacePoints( int iUnknown, int iComp ) const;
169 void BoundaryVolumeMappingForExample() const;
170 private:
171 // ====================================================================
172 // Number of dofs at interface: local and global
173 // ====================================================================
174 felInt m_numLocalDofInterface; //!< The local number of interface dofs on the interface.
175 felInt m_numGlobalDofInterface; //!< The local number of interface dofs on the interface.
176 // ====================================================================
177 // mappings from labels to first and all points
178 // ====================================================================
179 std::map<int, Point > m_mapLab2FirstPoint;
180 std::map<int, std::vector<Point> > m_mapLab2AllPoints;
181 //! For each label, std::set of (PetscVolDof,Point)
182 std::vector<setOfPairOfIntAndPoint> m_localVecOfSet;
183 //! mapping from iUnkComp to a mapping from labels to the petscdofs
184 std::map<int, std::map<int, std::map<int, int > > > m_listOfBoundaryPetscDofs;
185 // ====================================================================
186 // mappings for the interface
187 // ====================================================================
188 AO m_aoInterface; //! The AO mapping between application ordering and petsc ordering on the interface.
189 std::vector<felInt> m_loc2GlobInterface ; //! Local ids (0 ,..., #m_numLocalDofInterface - 1) --> global ids in application ordering.
190 std::vector<felInt> m_loc2PetscInterface; //! Local ids (0 ,..., #m_numLocalDofInterface - 1) --> global ids in interface petsc ordering.
191 std::vector<felInt> m_glob2PetscVolume; //! Global ids (0 ,..., #m_numGlobDofInterface - 1) --> global ids in the volume in petsc ordering.
192 std::map<felInt,felInt> m_petscVolume2Glob; //! Inverse of #m_glob2PetscVolume.
193 std::vector<felInt> m_loc2PetscVolume; /*! Composition of #m_loc2GlobInterface and #m_glob2PetscVolume: #m_glob2PetscVolume[#m_loc2GlobInterface[i]] = #m_loc2PetscVolume.
194 it lists all the local dofs of the interface in the petsc volume ordering */
195 // ====================================================================
197 // ====================================================================
198 MPI_Comm m_boundaryComm; //!<communicator that contains all the procs in the boarder and the others in two saparete groups.
199 // ====================================================================
201 // ====================================================================
202 CSRMatrixPattern m_boundaryPattern; //!< The patter of a matrix defined on the boundary.
203 // ==========================================
205 // ==========================================
206 bool m_boundaryPatternAlreadyBuilt;
207 bool m_dofBoundaryHasBeenInitialized;
208 bool m_volumeInterfaceMappingBuilt;
209 std::vector<bool> m_dofsHaveBeenComputed;
210 public:
211 bool isOnSurface( felInt iUnkComp, felInt petscDof );
212 private:
213 void unRoll(felInt iUnkComp);
214 std::vector<std::set<felInt> > m_unRolledList;
215 public:
216 // ====================================================================
218 // ====================================================================
219 void writeSurfaceInterpolatorFile(int iUnknown, int numComp, std::string filename, std::string folder) const;
220 };
221 }//namespace
222 #endif