GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Model/cvgMainSlave.cpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 262 0.0%
Branches: 0 726 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors: M. Aletti
13 //
17 // System includes
19 // External includes
21 // Project includes
22 #include "Model/cvgMainSlave.hpp"
23 #include "Geometry/surfaceInterpolator.hpp"
24 #include "Core/cvgraphUtil.hpp"
25 #include "Core/mpiInfo.hpp"
27 namespace felisce {
28 // Initialization:
29 // - read the cvgraph data file
30 // - overwrite the time loop information in FelisceParam
31 // - overwrite the boundary condition type in FelisceParam
32 // - build the graph (m_cvg)
33 // - initialize the msgAdministrator (m_msg)
34 // - std::set other variables such as protocol, compartments ids, names, connections ids
35 cvgMainSlave::cvgMainSlave(int argc, char ** argv) {
37 // Remember to initialize the slave AFTER the model.
38 // The reason is that the model initializes MPI and it should be done as the first thing.
40 // ========== Handling parameters =====================//
41 // Reading CVGraph parameters
42 CVGraphParam::instance().getInputFile(argc, argv, FelisceParam::instance().dataFileCVG.c_str());
44 // Overwriting felisce time-parameters parameters
45 // These information are used to initialize felisceTransient
46 // IMPORTANT WARNING: We have to be careful and construct the felisceTransient after cvgMainSlave.
47 FelisceParam::instance().timeStep = CVGraphParam::instance().dt;
48 FelisceParam::instance().timeIterationMax = CVGraphParam::instance().maxIter;
49 // Graph initialization and creation
50 m_cvg.SetParam();
52 // ========== IDs and MSG administrator ===============//
53 // id of the current compartment
54 m_cmptName = FelisceParam::instance().compartmentName;
55 if ( m_cmptName == "none" )
56 FEL_ERROR("You must specify the compartmentName in the data file, in the cvgraph section");
57 m_cmptId = m_cvg.compartId(m_cmptName);
58 m_cvg.adjacentCompartmentsAndConnections(m_cmptName,m_IdsOfOtherCompartments,m_IdsOfConnections);
59 m_numOfNeighbours=m_IdsOfOtherCompartments.size();
60 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
61 m_iConnFromIds[m_IdsOfConnections[iConn]]=iConn;
62 }
63 // Getting the cvgraph verbosity
64 // The policy is that the verbosity of the cvgMainSlave class is controlled by the cvgVerbosity, while the
65 // rest of felisce is controlled by the verbosity of FelisceParam.
66 m_verbose = CVGraphParam::instance().verb[m_cmptId];
67 if ( m_verbose > 1)
68 m_cvg.print(m_verbose);
69 // TODO this print and the one below
70 // are done by all the processors, we should be able to get the rank
71 // and let only the master do it.
72 if ( m_verbose > 1 )
73 CVGraphParam::instance().print(m_verbose);
75 // Message administrator (slave) initialization
76 m_protocol = 1; // TODO: what is this protocol about? Check in cvgraph.
77 m_msg = new MessageAdm(m_verbose,m_protocol,m_cvg.graph(),m_cmptId );
79 this->handleCouplingVariablesAndOverwriteBC();
81 // TODO: In the case where there are several connections, the variable to exchange may be different. For now FelisceParam::instance().idVarToExchange is a single integer but it should be a std::vector of integers in the future.
82 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
83 m_IdsOfVarToExchange.push_back(FelisceParam::instance().idVarToExchange);
84 }
85 m_residualInterpolationType.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
86 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
87 int idconn = m_IdsOfConnections[iConn]; //id connection
88 // 0: Internodes, 1: transposed interpolator
89 m_residualInterpolationType[iConn] = CVGraphParam::instance().residualInterpType[idconn];
90 // TODO: in principle we could use a different residual interpolation method for the forward and backward direction
91 // for now we assume that the entire connection uses the same approach
92 }
94 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 1)
95 std::cout<<"Slave "<<m_cmptName<<" initialization completed."<<std::endl;
96 }
98 void cvgMainSlave::handleCouplingVariablesAndOverwriteBC() {
100 /*
101 For each connection we have one (or more) variables to send
102 and one (or more) variable to read.
104 - The number of variables to read for the connection iConn is m_numVarToRead[iConn]
105 - The number of variables to send for the connection iConn is m_numVarToSend[iConn]
107 - The list of boundary labels for the connection iConn is m_interfaceLabels[iConn]
109 For now, std::vector variables such as the velocity, are NOT stored component-wise.
110 We could pass separately u_x,u_y,u_z, but we just pass \vec u.
112 Depending on the variable to read the code overwrite the boundary condition type
113 with the appropriate type. For instance, if we read VELOCITY, we are going to replace
114 the type of the boundary condition (CVGRAPH) with Dirichlet.
116 Moreover if the number of variables to read is equal to two, we assume that the type
117 of boundary conditions is Robin.
119 Be careful when using Robin boundary condition: in the felisce datafile all physical robin boundary
120 conditions should be listed BEFORE the cvgraph boundary condition.
121 The alphaRobin parameter is specified in the cvgraph datafile.
122 */
124 m_interfaceLabels.resize(numConnections());
125 m_numVarToRead.resize(numConnections());
126 m_numVarToSend.resize(numConnections());
128 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
129 int idconn = m_IdsOfConnections[iConn]; //id connection
131 std::vector<std::string> readVar;
132 m_numVarToRead[iConn] = m_cvg.graph()[m_cvg.connectDescriptor( idconn ) ].numToBeReadVariables(m_cmptName);
133 for (std::size_t v(0); v<m_numVarToRead[iConn]; v++){
134 readVar.push_back(this->variableToRead(idconn,v));
135 }
136 m_readVariables.push_back(readVar);
138 std::vector<std::string> sendVar;
139 m_numVarToSend[iConn] = m_cvg.graph()[m_cvg.connectDescriptor( idconn ) ].numToBeSentVariables(m_cmptName);
140 for (std::size_t v(0); v<m_numVarToSend[iConn]; v++){
141 sendVar.push_back(this->variableToSend(idconn,v));
142 }
143 m_sendVariables.push_back(sendVar);
144 }
146 std::size_t start(0);
147 for ( std::size_t iBC(0); iBC<FelisceParam::instance().type.size(); ++iBC ) {
148 std::size_t numLabel=FelisceParam::instance().numLabel[iBC];
149 bool cvgraphRobin(false);
150 bool found(false);
151 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours && !found; ++iConn ) {
152 int idconn = m_IdsOfConnections[iConn]; //id connection
153 std::string otherCmpt = m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iConn]);
154 std::stringstream tmpType;
155 tmpType<<"cvgraph"<<otherCmpt;
156 if ( FelisceParam::instance().type[iBC] == tmpType.str() ) {
157 found=true;
158 //Extract the labels
159 for ( std::size_t iLab(0); iLab<numLabel; ++iLab ) {
160 m_interfaceLabels[iConn].push_back(FelisceParam::instance().label[start+iLab]);
161 }
162 // TODO: this it should be more flexible.
163 // It is very likely that it causes problems.
164 if ( neumann(iConn) ) {
165 FelisceParam::instance().type[iBC]="Neumann";
166 } else if ( dirichlet(iConn) ) {
167 FelisceParam::instance().type[iBC]="Dirichlet";
168 } else if ( robin(iConn) ) {
169 cvgraphRobin=true;
170 FelisceParam::instance().type[iBC] = "Robin";
171 FelisceParam::instance().betaRobin.push_back(1.);
172 if (m_cvg.isSource(m_cmptId, idconn)) {
173 FelisceParam::instance().alphaRobin.push_back(CVGraphParam::instance().robSource[idconn]);
174 } else {
175 FelisceParam::instance().alphaRobin.push_back(CVGraphParam::instance().robTarget[idconn]);
176 }
177 }
178 } else if (cvgraphRobin && FelisceParam::instance().type[iBC]=="Robin") {
179 FEL_ERROR("When using Robin BC with both cvgraph and physical BCs, cvgraph BCs should be placed AFTER the physical robin BC in the felisce data file");
180 }
181 }
182 start += numLabel;
183 }
184 #ifndef NDEBUG
185 // In debug mode we count all the interface labels and we verify that we replaced all the BCs.
186 std::vector<int> allInterfaceLabels;
187 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
188 for ( std::size_t iDebug(0); iDebug<m_interfaceLabels[iConn].size(); ++iDebug )
189 allInterfaceLabels.push_back(m_interfaceLabels[iConn][iDebug]);
190 }
191 std::vector<int> tmp=FelisceParam::instance().interfaceLabels;
192 Tools::printVector(tmp,"tmp");
193 Tools::printVector(allInterfaceLabels,"allInterfaceLabels");
194 FEL_ASSERT(tmp.size()==allInterfaceLabels.size());
195 sort(allInterfaceLabels.begin(),allInterfaceLabels.end());
196 sort(tmp.begin(),tmp.end());
197 FEL_ASSERT(tmp.size()==allInterfaceLabels.size());
198 for ( std::size_t iDebug(0); iDebug<tmp.size(); ++iDebug ) {
199 FEL_ASSERT(tmp[iDebug]==allInterfaceLabels[iDebug]);
200 }
201 #endif
202 }
205 // The goals of this function are:
206 // - send to the other compartments the information necessary to build the interpolators (points of the current mesh, ids).
207 // - receive the same information from the other compartments.
208 // - initialize properly the volume-boundary mappings in dofBoundary
209 // - use the functions of the surfaceInterpolator class to build the interpolators.
210 // Note that the surfaceInterpolator object is used to build this matrix and then destroyed
211 void cvgMainSlave::buildInterpolator(LinearProblem* pt) {
212 // Surface Interpolator is felisce class that is
213 // able to construct an interpolator matrix between two surfaces.
214 // This class needs informations in linear problem and in the dofBoundary class.
215 SurfaceInterpolator surfInterpolator;
216 m_interpolator.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
217 m_dimOfDataToReceive.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
218 m_dimOfDataToSend.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
219 // Resizing std::vector of dofBoundary in linearProblem
220 pt->dofBDVec().resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
221 pt->massBDVec().resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
222 pt->kspMassBDVec().resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
223 std::vector<DofBoundary*> dofBDVec(m_numOfNeighbours);
224 for ( std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt ) {
225 dofBDVec[iCmpt]=&pt->dofBD(iCmpt);
226 }
227 surfInterpolator.initSurfaceInterpolator(pt,dofBDVec);
229 // Initialization of mesh and dof boundary.
230 // It is important to use the global mesh because of the algorithm
231 // that projects a point on a surface.
232 // Both dofBoundary class in linearProblem
233 // and the geometricMeshRegion class holding the global mesh needs to be correctly initialized.
234 m_lpb=pt;
235 surfInterpolator.initializeSurfaceInterpolator();
237 for ( std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt ) {
238 m_lpb->dofBD(iCmpt).initialize(m_lpb);
239 // Here the dofBoundary class is used to be the mapping that connects
240 // indices on the surfaces to the indices of the volume
241 // this is done with the help of the linearProblem class.
242 // TODO for now we are considering the first unknown and its components to be coupled.
243 // one should be able to define in the felisce data file which unknown and which components.
244 // This has to be done also below where the interface file is written.
245 std::vector<int> listComp;
246 int iVar = m_IdsOfVarToExchange[iCmpt]; // iConn = iCmpt ??
247 std::size_t numComp=m_lpb->listVariable()[iVar].numComponent();
248 for ( std::size_t idim(0); idim < numComp; ++idim) {
249 m_lpb->dofBD(iCmpt).buildListOfBoundaryPetscDofs(m_lpb, m_interfaceLabels[iCmpt], iVar, idim);
250 listComp.push_back(idim);
251 }
252 m_lpb->dofBD(iCmpt).buildBoundaryVolumeMapping(iVar,listComp);
254 // Only the master does the job here.
255 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
257 surfInterpolator.writeInterfaceFile(iVar,numComp,fileName("Interface",iCmpt,"write"),CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile, iCmpt);
258 std::cout<<CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile <<fileName("Interface",iCmpt,"write")<<" written."<<std::endl;
259 // Sending a message to the other compartment saying that the interface file has been written and that they can start reading it.
260 this->customFileCompleted("interface",iCmpt);
261 }
262 }
263 for ( std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt ) {
264 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
266 // the list of points to be projected along with the surface label where to find them
267 std::vector< std::pair< Point*, felInt > > pointsAndCorrespondingLabel;
268 // the corresponding row ids. If more than one component is used the ids are stores as id(P1,icomp0),id(P1,icomp1),id(P1,icomp2), id(P2,icomp0),id(P2,icomp1),id(P2,icomp2)
269 std::vector<int> rowNumbering;
270 int iVar = m_IdsOfVarToExchange[iCmpt];
271 // Before starting to read we check if the other compartment has finished to write the file.
272 this->checkCustomFileCompleted("interface",iCmpt);
274 // Reading the file through the functions of surfInterpolator
275 surfInterpolator.readInterfaceFile(fileName("Interface",iCmpt,"read"),pointsAndCorrespondingLabel,rowNumbering, CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile);
276 std::cout<<CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile <<fileName("Interface",iCmpt,"read")<<" read."<<std::endl;
278 // Build the interpolator matrix (m_interpolator)
279 surfInterpolator.buildInterpolator(*m_interpolator[iCmpt],pointsAndCorrespondingLabel,rowNumbering,m_lpb->listVariable()[0],iVar,iCmpt,this->interfaceLabels(iCmpt),fileName("LogInterpolator",iCmpt,"write",CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile));
281 // Extract the information about the dimension of the data to be sent and to be received.
282 m_dimOfDataToReceive[iCmpt] = surfInterpolator.ncols(iCmpt); //num of dof in this linearProblem (on the surface)
283 m_dimOfDataToSend[iCmpt] = surfInterpolator.nrows(iCmpt); //num of dof in the other linearProblem (on the surface)
284 if ( FelisceParam::verbose() > 1 ) {
285 std::cout<<"Interpolator for "<<m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iCmpt])<<"built, nrows: "<<m_dimOfDataToSend[iCmpt]<<", ncols: "<<m_dimOfDataToReceive[iCmpt]<<std::endl;
286 }
287 }
288 }
290 this->exchangeBackwardInterpolators();
292 std::stringstream chronoName;
293 chronoName<<"receive_"<<m_cmptName;
294 m_receiveChronoPtr = felisce::make_shared<ChronoInstance>();
295 }
297 void cvgMainSlave::exchangeBackwardInterpolators() {
298 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
299 for ( std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt ) {
300 if ( m_residualInterpolationType[iCmpt] == 1 ) {
301 //writing interpolator matrix
302 m_interpolator[iCmpt]->saveInBinaryFormat(MPI_COMM_SELF,fileName("interpolatorMatrix",iCmpt,"write").c_str(),CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile);
303 this->customFileCompleted("interpolatorMatrix",iCmpt);
304 }
305 }
306 m_interpolatorBackward.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
307 for ( std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt ) {
308 if ( m_residualInterpolationType[iCmpt] == 1 ) {
309 // Memory allocation
310 m_interpolatorBackward[iCmpt]->createSeqAIJ(MPI_COMM_SELF,m_dimOfDataToReceive[iCmpt],m_dimOfDataToSend[iCmpt],0,nullptr);
311 m_interpolatorBackward[iCmpt]->setOption(MAT_KEEP_NONZERO_PATTERN, PETSC_TRUE);
312 m_interpolatorBackward[iCmpt]->setFromOptions();
313 // Read from file
314 this->checkCustomFileCompleted("interpolatorMatrix",iCmpt);
315 m_interpolatorBackward[iCmpt]->loadFromBinaryFormat(MPI_COMM_SELF,fileName("interpolatorMatrix",iCmpt,"read").c_str(),CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile);
316 }
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 std::string cvgMainSlave::fileName(std::string keyword, std::size_t iConn, std::string readOrWrite, std::string folder) const {
322 std::stringstream filename;
323 filename<<folder<<"/"<<keyword;
324 if ( readOrWrite == "read" ) {
325 filename<<"_"<<m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iConn])<<"_"<<m_cmptName;
326 } else if ( readOrWrite == "write" ) {
327 filename<<"_"<<m_cmptName<<"_"<<m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iConn]);
328 }
329 return filename.str();
330 }
331 // It writes an empty file just to tell the other compartment that the interface file is completed.
332 void cvgMainSlave::customFileCompleted(std::string keyword, std::size_t iBD) const {
333 std::stringstream file;
334 file<<CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile<<"/"<<keyword<<m_cmptName<<"_"<<m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iBD])<<"completed.ok";
335 cvgraph::writeEmptyFile(file.str().c_str(),CVGraphParam::instance().verbose);
336 }
338 // It check if the (empty) file is present, if yes it means that we can start reading the interface file
339 // and we can remove the empty file since it is no longer needed.
340 void cvgMainSlave::checkCustomFileCompleted(std::string keyword,std::size_t iBD) const {
341 // TODO:
342 // These communications should be handled also via MPI and pvm
343 // In general cvgMainSlave has been designed for file communications, but it should be easy to generalize it.
344 std::stringstream fname;
345 fname<<CVGraphParam::instance().dirTmpFile<<"/"<<keyword<<m_cvg.compartNameFromId(m_IdsOfOtherCompartments[iBD])<<"_"<<m_cmptName<<"completed.ok";
346 cvgraph::wait_and_remove_file(fname.str().c_str(),CVGraphParam::instance().verbose);
347 }
349 // First contact between master and slave.
350 // Main task of this function:
351 // - initialize the m_data_recv(send) vectors with the correct sizes.
352 // TODO i think an unnecessary copy of the data is done.
353 // probably we should use a petscVector defined on the boundary to store the data
354 // and give his underlying pointer to the data to the cvg data structures.
355 // to avoid at maximum the duplications.
356 void cvgMainSlave::firstContact() {
357 // initialization
358 m_data_recv.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
359 m_data_send.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
360 m_dataSendPreInterpolation.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
361 m_dataSend.resize(m_numOfNeighbours);
362 if (MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0) {
363 for (std::size_t iCmpt(0); iCmpt<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iCmpt) {
364 int idconn = m_IdsOfConnections[iCmpt]; //id connection
366 std::vector<std::size_t> dim_recv(m_numVarToRead[iCmpt]), dim_sent(m_numVarToSend[iCmpt]);
367 for(std::size_t iSend=0;iSend<m_numVarToSend[iCmpt];iSend++)
368 dim_sent[iSend] = m_dimOfDataToSend[iCmpt];
369 for(std::size_t iRead=0;iRead<m_numVarToRead[iCmpt];iRead++)
370 dim_recv[iRead] = m_dimOfDataToReceive[iCmpt];
372 // Now we can allocate the vectors of the CVGgraph
373 m_data_recv[iCmpt] = &m_cvg.initDataReceived(dim_recv, m_cmptName, m_cvg.connectNameFromId(idconn));
374 m_data_send[iCmpt] = &m_cvg.initDataSent(dim_sent, m_cmptName, m_cvg.connectNameFromId(idconn));
376 m_interpolator[iCmpt]->getVecs(m_dataSendPreInterpolation[iCmpt],m_dataSend[iCmpt]);
377 }
378 //Now we exchange some quantities with the master.
379 int rcvProtocol;
380 m_msg->receiveInitFromMaster(rcvProtocol);
381 // We also check that the master and the slave are on the same page.
382 if(rcvProtocol != m_protocol){
383 CVG_ERROR("Protocol mismatch !");
384 }
385 if(!Tools::equal(FelisceParam::instance().timeStep,CVGraphParam::instance().dt)){
386 CVG_ERROR("Different time step Master-Slave!");
387 }
388 if(FelisceParam::instance().timeIterationMax != CVGraphParam::instance().maxIter){
389 std::cout<<FelisceParam::instance().timeIterationMax<<" <-fp cvgp-> "<<CVGraphParam::instance().maxIter<<std::endl;
390 CVG_ERROR("Different number of max Iterations Master-Slave!");
391 }
393 int physUnit = CVGraphParam::instance().physUnit[m_cmptId];
394 int spaceDim = CVGraphParam::instance().spaceDim[m_cmptId];
395 double physTime = CVGraphParam::instance().physTime[m_cmptId];
397 m_msg->sendInitToMaster(physUnit,spaceDim,physTime);
398 std::cout<<"First contact phase completed."<<std::endl;
400 }
401 }
402 void cvgMainSlave::exchangeInitialCondition() {
403 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
404 m_msg->PrintCommonIterationBanner(m_msgInfo,/*iter*/0);
405 cvgraph::ConnectionIterator ed, lastE;
406 for (std::tie(ed,lastE) = edges(m_cvg.graph()); ed != lastE; ed++) {
407 if ( m_cvg.isSource(m_cmptId, m_cvg.connectId(*ed)) or m_cvg.isTarget(m_cmptId,m_cvg.connectId(*ed)) ) {
408 m_msg->receiveTimeFromMaster(m_msgInfo,*ed);
409 m_msg->PrintIteration(m_msgInfo, /*iter*/0, m_cvg.connectName(*ed));
410 m_lpb->sendInitialCondition(this->iConn(m_cvg.connectId(*ed)));
411 }
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 // Given a sequential volume std::vector (such as the sequential solution of the problem for instance)
416 // the data of the interface are extracted, interpolated on the other compartment mesh and sent to the master.
417 // The unknown and the components have been used
418 // to initialize the dofBoundary class in buildInterpolator, so the functions already knows which dofs have to be extracted).
419 // It has to be a sequential std::vector for now since we do getValues with all the surface dofs
420 // TODO: I think we could pass also a parallel std::vector, extract only the local values gather them in one boundary std::vector
421 // and send them. All the utilities to do that are already in dofBoundary and linearProblem.
422 void cvgMainSlave::sendData(std::vector<PetscVector>& sequentialVolumeVectors, std::size_t iConn){
423 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
424 std::cout<<"sending data to master..."<<std::endl;
425 for ( std::size_t cVar(0); cVar<m_numVarToSend[iConn]; ++cVar ) {
426 double * dataSendPreInterpolationArray;
427 double * dataSendArray;
428 // Get the pointer to the array underlying the PetscVector m_dataSendPreInterpolation
429 m_dataSendPreInterpolation[iConn].getArray(&dataSendPreInterpolationArray);
430 // Getting the values of sequential volume std::vector located in glob2PetscVol locations saving them to the array pointer by dataSendPreInterpolationArray.
431 // Which means that they are saved in the PetscVector m_dataSendPreInterpolation in the location from 0 to numGlobalDofInterface -1;
432 sequentialVolumeVectors[cVar].getValues ( m_dimOfDataToReceive[iConn], m_lpb->dofBD(iConn).glob2PetscVolPtr(),dataSendPreInterpolationArray);
433 // Restore array. We no longer need this pointer. We restore it. (see petsc documentation)
434 m_dataSendPreInterpolation[iConn].restoreArray(&dataSendPreInterpolationArray);
435 // Apply the interpolator matrix to m_dataSendPreInterpolation save the result in dataSend
436 if ( m_residualInterpolationType[iConn] == 1 && CVGraph::neumannTypeVariable(sendVariable(iConn,cVar)) ) {
437 multTranspose(*m_interpolatorBackward[iConn],m_dataSendPreInterpolation[iConn],m_dataSend[iConn]);
438 } else {
439 mult(*m_interpolator[iConn],m_dataSendPreInterpolation[iConn],m_dataSend[iConn]);
440 }
441 // Get the pointer to this array
442 m_dataSend[iConn].getArray(&dataSendArray);
443 // Copy the content of m_dataSend into m_data_send data structure.
444 double* cvgDataSend = m_data_send[iConn]->begin();
445 for ( int k(0); k < m_dimOfDataToSend[iConn] ; ++k) {
446 cvgDataSend[k+cVar*m_dimOfDataToSend[iConn]] = dataSendArray[k];
447 }
448 //Restoring
449 m_dataSend[iConn].restoreArray(&dataSendArray);
450 }
451 m_msg->sendDataToMaster(m_msgInfo, *m_data_send[iConn], m_cvg.connectDescriptor(m_IdsOfConnections[iConn] ));
452 std::cout<<"done."<<std::endl;
453 }
454 }
455 // Data are simply received and stored in a sequentialVolumeVector, such as the sequential solution of the problem for instance)
456 // only the master reads these data, but then they are broadcasted to everyone.
457 // TODO this function could be generalized to work with a parallel std::vector.
458 void cvgMainSlave::receiveData(std::vector<PetscVector>& sequentialVolumeVectors, std::size_t iConn){
459 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
460 std::cout<<"receiving data from master..."<<std::endl;
461 m_receiveChronoPtr->start();
462 m_msg->receiveDataFromMaster(m_msgInfo, *m_data_recv[iConn],m_cvg.connectDescriptor(m_IdsOfConnections[iConn] ));
463 m_receiveChronoPtr->stop();
464 for ( std::size_t cVar(0); cVar<m_numVarToRead[iConn]; ++cVar ) {
465 sequentialVolumeVectors[cVar].setValues ( m_dimOfDataToReceive[iConn], m_lpb->dofBD(iConn).glob2PetscVolPtr(), m_data_recv[iConn]->begin(cVar*m_dimOfDataToReceive[iConn]), INSERT_VALUES);
466 sequentialVolumeVectors[cVar].assembly();
467 }
468 std::cout<<"done"<<std::endl;
469 }
470 m_receiveChronoPtr->toFileMax(); // It has to be outside of the if because it contains MPI communications
471 for ( std::size_t cVar(0); cVar<m_numVarToRead[iConn]; ++cVar ) {
472 sequentialVolumeVectors[cVar].broadCastSequentialVector(MpiInfo::petscComm(),/*master id with respect to the communicator*/0);
473 }
474 }
475 // If a new time iteration starts, print a banner and update the counter
476 void cvgMainSlave::printIteration(int& timeIteration) {
477 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ){
478 if ( m_msgInfo.timeStatus() == CVG_TIME_STATUS_NEW_TIME_STEP ) {
479 timeIteration++;
480 m_msg->PrintCommonIterationBanner(m_msgInfo, timeIteration);
481 }
482 }
483 MPI_Bcast(&timeIteration,1,MPI_INT,/*master*/0,MpiInfo::petscComm());
484 }
486 // General function: given a time status flag the master checks if this is current status
487 // and then broadcast the answer.
488 bool cvgMainSlave::checkTimeStatus(const cvgraph::CVGStatus flag) const {
489 // False by default
490 int result(0);
491 // Master does the check, it is the only one that handles communications
492 if ( MpiInfo::rankProc() == 0 ) {
493 result = m_msgInfo.timeStatus() == flag;
494 }
495 // The result is broadcasted to the other processors of this slave.
496 MPI_Bcast(&result, 1, MPI_INT, /*master*/0, MpiInfo::petscComm());
497 // Then the result is returned casted to bool.
498 return bool(result);
499 }
501 bool cvgMainSlave::initialConditionNeeded( std::size_t iConn ) const {
502 return m_cvg.cmptHaveToSendInitialCondition( m_cmptId, this->IdConn(iConn) );
503 }
504 void cvgMainSlave::print() const {
505 std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
506 std::cout << " cvgMainSlave " << std::endl;
507 std::cout << " Compartment-node name: "<<m_cmptName << std::endl;
508 std::cout << " Number of neighbours: "<<m_numOfNeighbours << std::endl;
509 // TODO: print more info.
510 std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
511 }
512 bool cvgMainSlave::thereIsAtLeastOneConditionOfType(bool(cvgMainSlave::*test)(std::size_t) const) const {
513 for ( std::size_t iConn(0); iConn<m_numOfNeighbours; ++iConn ) {
514 if ( (this->*test)(iConn) )
515 return true;
516 }
517 return false;
518 }
519 std::string cvgMainSlave::neumannVariable(std::size_t iConn) const {
520 if ( neumann(iConn) ) {
521 return m_readVariables[iConn][0];
522 }
523 if ( robin(iConn) ) {
524 if ( CVGraph::neumannTypeVariable(m_readVariables[iConn][0]) ) {
525 return m_readVariables[iConn][0];
526 } else if( CVGraph::neumannTypeVariable(m_readVariables[iConn][1] ) ) {
527 return m_readVariables[iConn][1];
528 }
529 }
530 return "Error";
531 }
532 }
533 #endif