GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Solver/autoregulation.hpp
Date: 2024-04-14 07:32:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 2 2 100.0%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // ______ ______ _ _ _____ ______
2 // | ____| ____| | (_)/ ____| | ____|
3 // | |__ | |__ | | _| (___ ___| |__
4 // | __| | __| | | | |\___ \ / __| __|
5 // | | | |____| |____| |____) | (__| |____
6 // |_| |______|______|_|_____/ \___|______|
7 // Finite Elements for Life Sciences and Engineering
8 //
9 // License: LGL2.1 License
10 // FELiScE default license: LICENSE in root folder
11 //
12 // Main authors:
13 //
18 // System includes
20 // External includes
22 // Project includes
23 #include "Core/felisceParam.hpp"
24 #include "Solver/lumpedModelBC.hpp"
26 namespace felisce
27 {
28 /*!
29 \brief A class to handle boundary conditions data for (retinal) autoregulation
31 The class handle several aspects of the data concerning boundary conditions:
32 - input pressure: \n
33 shape, mean value over a cardiac cycle, difference with respect to a given pressure story
34 - autoregulation:\n
35 both in fibers and in windkessel
36 - post-process
37 */
38 class Autoregulation{
39 public:
40 /*! \brief id of the master proc */
41 static const int MASTER = 0;
43 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int> > initialize(std::string elemeBoarderType);
44 /**
45 @{ \name Downstream autoregulation
46 */
47 void handleLumpedModel(const double& t, LumpedModelBC* lumpedModel);
48 /**@}*/
49 void computeExtraPressure( const int &nC);
51 double control( const double &t ) const;
52 double inletPressure( const double &t, const int& caseTest ) const;
53 /**
54 @{ \name Post-process functions
55 */
56 void exportSummary( const int& rank) const;
57 void exportControlFunctions(const int &numCycle);
58 void print(const int & rank);
59 void update( const double& time, double Q, double P, std::vector<double> pout, const int& rank );
60 /**@}*/
62 /*! \brief PI */
63 static constexpr double PI = 3.14159265;
64 /*! \brief Conversion constant from mm of mercury to Pascal */
65 static constexpr double mmHg2DynPerCm2 = 1333.32;
66 /*! \brief duration of the systole */
67 static constexpr double m_systoleDuration = 0.25;
68 /*! \brief duration of the cardiac cycle */
69 static constexpr double m_cycleDuration = 0.8;
71 private:
73 void meanPressure2PeakAndDiast(double const& meanP, double& peakP, double& diastP ) const;
74 double computeMeanInflowPress( const int &Case, const double &t0 ) const;
75 double interpPressure( const double &t ) const;
77 /**
78 @{ \name Sigmoidal function and parameters
79 all the data members and function, usefull to describe the shape of the sigmoidal function.
80 */
81 /*!\brief Sigmoidal function used for the autoregulation
83 \param[in] extraP \f$\delta p = p-p_{ref}\f$ is the difference between a pressure p and the reference value
84 \return the value of the sigmoidal function in that point
86 The sigmoidal function:
87 \code
88 return ( 1 - exp( - m_slope*extraP ) )/ ( 1 + exp( -m_slope*(extraP-m_center ) ) );
89 \endcode
90 Function limits:
91 - \a extraP goes to infinity it returns 1
92 - \a extraP goes to -infinity it returns \code - exp(m_slope * m_center) \endcode
93 - in zero is equal to zero
95 Another possible parametrization (used in the paper) is:
96 \code
97 return ( 1 - exp( - m_slope*extraP ) )/ ( 1 + 1/w*exp( -m_slope*(extraP) ) );
98 \endcode
99 In this case \a w represents the minimum value of the sigmoidal function (in absolute value).
100 And m_slope can be approximated via
101 \code
102 m_slope=1/fp.up*std::log((1+q/w)/(1-q))
103 \endcode
104 */
105 188197 inline double sigmoid( const double &extraP) const {
106 188197 return ( 1 - exp( - m_slope*extraP ) )/ ( 1 + exp( -m_slope*(extraP-m_center ) ) );
107 }
108 /*! \brief slope of the sigmodail function \f$[\mbox{mmHg}^-1]\f$
110 \f$ 2/(\mbox{fp.up-fp.down})\ln(\mbox{fp.q}/(1-\mbox{fp.q}))\f$
111 */
112 double m_slope;
113 /*! \brief relative center of the sigmoidal function \f$[\mbox{mmHg}]\f$
115 \f$ (\mbox{fp.up} + \mbox{fp.down})/2\f$
116 */
117 double m_center;
118 /**@}*/
120 /**
121 @{ \name Downstream autoregulation
122 */
123 void setLumpedModel(const double& t);
124 /*! \brief Distal resistance -- reference value */
125 std::vector<double> m_RdistRef;
126 /*! \brief Distal resistance -- current value */
127 std::vector<double> m_Rdist;
128 /*! \brief Capacitance -- reference value */
129 std::vector<double> m_CRef;
130 /*! \brief Capacitance -- current value */
131 std::vector<double> m_C;
132 /*! \brief Regulation parameter */
133 std::vector<double> m_regParam;
134 /**@}*/
135 /*! \brief difference between mean pressure and reference pressure.
137 extraPressure is a std::vector that contains for each cycle the difference
138 of the mean pressure from idcase with respect to the idcontrolFreeCase;
139 */
140 std::vector<double> m_extraPressure;
142 /*! \brief of cardiac cycles */
143 int m_nC;
144 /*! \brief Label(s) of the inlet*/
145 std::vector<int> m_labelInlet;
146 /*! \brief Label(s) of the outlet*/
147 std::vector<int> m_labelOutlet;
148 /*! \brief Label(s) of the structure*/
149 std::vector<int> m_labelStructure;
151 /*! \brief Flow at the inlet*/
152 std::vector<double> m_QInflow;
153 /*! \brief Mean pressure at the inlet*/
154 std::vector<double> m_PInflow;
155 };
158 }
159 #endif